"Yeah, I do. And I'm not ready for us to be in separate cars yet." I hugged him tight, sighing when he rubbed his cheek against my hair.

We walked toward my car, which was also in the direction of the helicopter. Andrew had been one of the staffers who flew with him. He'd walked most of the way toward us by the time we reached my car.

"Ready, Governor?" Andrew said.

My dad gave me one last hug. "I'm so sorry about all this, Callie. Thank goodness it's finally over."

"I'm glad you're safe now, Dad. Have a safe flight too."

Andrew nodded at Blake, who nodded back. And instead of hugging me like he might ordinarily do, Andrew gave me a quick nod. "I'm glad you're okay, Cal. Glad you were in good hands."

He looked a little ashamed, but he also seemed sincere. I guess Blake had been right about him challenging Blake's relationship with me the whole time. I'd just been too naive to see it.

We watched them head for the chopper and take off, then we got into my car. Blake groaned as he got into the passenger seat.

"Should you maybe lie down in the back or something?" I suggested.

"No. But as soon as we're back at my place, that's what I'm going to do. Getting stiff as a board."

I put my hand over his. "All I want to do the rest of the night is lie in your arms and be grateful that you're okay."

He kissed my hand and buckled his seatbelt. "Sounds like the best night ever."

It did to me too. After my dad took off for Austin, I drove us back toward Blake's house.



Callie loved me.

That was all that mattered. Any other obstacles or petty grievances or disagreements could be fixed. As long as that woman loved me, all was right with the world.

She held my hand while she drove. I needed the contact too. It was hard to stop thinking about Zander holding that gun to her head, threatening to hurt the love of my life. That mental image was going to stick with me for a while.

The only thing that would keep it from being a recurring nightmare was the fact that I intended to fall asleep and wake up with Callie in my arms as often as possible.

When we went in, Callie took my arm like I was a feeble old man. I chuckled. "I can make it, babe. My legs are okay, it's my torso that's stiff."

Once she was convinced I could walk, she took her bag upstairs and got us some cold water. Then I stretched out on the couch with a groan and kicked my shoes off.

"Oh, that's better."

She looked down at me with raised eyebrows.

"What are you doing?" I said, reaching for her. "Come here."

Careful of my sore chest and ribs, she stretched out against me on the couch and rested her head on my shoulder. "Is this okay?"

"This is perfect." I kissed her forehead and closed my eyes.

"Blake, about last night, I'm–"

"Baby, you don't need to say it. I'm sorry too. I acted like an ass and never should have left that way."

She leaned up to look into my face. "But you were right. I didn't realize it until we were leaving the warehouse. The way Andrew looked at you and how distant he was with me…he knew what he was doing. You saw it, and I didn't."

I nuzzled her temple. "Maybe for all your 'don't trust men' thinking, you give people more credit than you think and that's why you didn't realize. Or maybe it's just a man thing. We can recognize it in each other easier than you could."