Blakeand I were on time for the rehearsal. We were almost late, because once we got into the shower, neither of us wanted to get out. I had to be the one to use common sense and point out how little time we had left.

I was so proud to walk into the rehearsal on his arm.

He’s not really your boyfriend, Callie.

But it felt like he was, and I found myself enjoying the fantasy.

After the rehearsal, we attended the dinner. Then I had to spend some time with Mackenzie and the rest of the wedding party to catch up. Blake stayed nearby without ever intruding. Then it was back to the hotel room.

We fell into the bed, pulling at each other’s clothes. Around two in the morning, I insisted we get some sleep so I wouldn’t look worn out during the wedding.

The next day, he got ready and followed me, my dress and accessories in my arms, to where I’d be getting ready with Mackenzie.

I’d seen Blake in a suit before. He’d been in a black suit and tie the night we met at my father’s gala. But the suit he wore for the wedding had a nicer cut. He looked dressy and yet somehow more casual. That, combined with the spicy scent of his aftershave, had me already looking forward to coming back to the hotel room at the end of the night.

As I walked down the aisle on the arm of Joe, one of the groomsmen, I spotted Blake sitting next to the boyfriend of one of the bridesmaids. I could have sworn his mouth fell open when our gazes locked, like he couldn’t believe what he saw. Maybe it was wishful thinking, but he looked stunned.

While I stood at the front, I couldn’t help but keep glancing his way.

Every time I looked at him, his eyes were trained on me. And I had to admit to myself that I loved that level of attention.

When the ceremony was over, Blake found me in the crowd and took my arms. He smiled in a way I’d rarely seen from him except when Elsie was around. Then he pulled me toward him and gave me a kiss on the lips.

“You look beautiful,” he said, his fingers gliding over my shoulder and down my arm to take my hand in his.

“Thank you,” I said, squeezing his hand.

As we walked toward the ballroom where the reception tables and decorations were already set up, he said, “The bride has nothing on you, even in a ten-thousand-dollar dress.”

I laughed softly. “I don’t think it cost that much.”

“It did. She didn’t pay that, because the designer was a friend of a friend of the family. But that’s the listing price.”

When I raised my eyebrows, he chuckled and shrugged. “Her friends and their partners are gossipy. Can’t help but overhear.”

He held my hand as we went into the reception area, then reluctantly let me go as I took my seat at the bride’s table where the other wedding party would eat. Blake’s spot was at a round table directly across from us, and he watched me as intently during the dinner as he had during the rehearsal and wedding.

Once the meal was over and people were starting to mingle in anticipation of the start of dancing and other traditional activities, I went to Blake’s table and stayed by his side. He’d explained that it would make the night easier for him, since he was supposed to be protecting me.

I suspected he had other motives, and honestly, so did I. I just wanted to be near him and soak up all his attention.

He played the doting boyfriend perfectly. His hand was always on my shoulder, my back, my leg. He held my hand often. Our chairs were pressed close together so when his arm was around the back of my chair, our bodies touched. From the outside, he looked like a man who simply wanted to be as close as possible to his girlfriend at all times.

From the inside, that’s exactly how it felt, too. I tried to make myself stop thinking that way, but it was so easy just to go with it.

I introduced Blake to everyone who approached me. Blake flashed a smile each time he had to shake a hand or dip his head in greeting. No one could have guessed he was there to protect me and only playing the part of my boyfriend. Even Mackenzie remarked on it while we were having dinner. I sat closest to her, being her maid of honor, and she’d leaned her head toward me halfway through the meal.

“Are you sure he’s just pretending, Cal?”

I scoffed. “He’s protecting me. Playing an attentive boyfriend was the easiest way to pull this off.”

“Uh huh,” she said, narrowing her eyes at me. “Then he missed his true calling. Should have been an actor. He’d probably have a wall full of Oscars by now.”

I’d nudged her with my elbow when she laughed, but I’d noticed what a great job he did too. And part of me hoped she was right. That it wasn’tallfor show.