Soon enough, chairs were being shuffled around to prepare for Randall to remove the garter of his new bride and toss it to the single men in the crowd. Someone told the single guys to gather around over the PA system, and some reluctantly started moving toward the center of the dance floor.

Blake stayed in place, my hand in his where it rested on his thigh. I almost asked if he didn’t want to go take his chances. Then he turned to look at me and looked above my head, his gaze turning instantly suspicious. I was shocked at how easily I could see his mood shift.

Someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned to see Zander standing there. He quickly put his hands behind his back, a mannerism he’d always had when he was nervous.

“Hello, Callie. You look... Fantastic. How have you been?” He tucked his wavy blond hair behind his ear. Zander might have looked fantastic to me too, once upon a time. Now all I saw was how much he’d hurt me by cheating on me.

And I was surprisingly calm about it. I would have expected to feel upset at him talking to me at all. But I was indifferent. He was from a chapter of my life that was over, and I’d moved on.

“I’ve been fine. You?” I said.

Blake stood, still holding my hand tightly in his. He reached his other toward Zander to shake his. “I don’t believe we’ve met.”

“Oh. Zander Cole. How do you do?”

“Zander,” I said quickly, “this is my boyfriend, Blake.”

“And you’re the ex,” Blake said, an odd little grin on his face.

“I-uh-yes. I am. Callie, can I talk to you for a minute?” He nodded his head behind him, clearly meaning he wanted to talk to me in private.

I couldn’t really blame him for not wanting to say anything else in front of Blake. Blake’s glare was unnerving. And the way he’d called him ‘the ex’ made it clear he wasn’t exactly a fan.

“Sure.” I turned to Blake, who quickly kissed me and squeezed my hand. “Not too far,” he said softly but loud enough for Zander to hear.

I walked about a dozen feet away with Zander, who put his hand on my arm. I wasn’t even sure why I didn’t tell him to go to hell, or that anything he wanted to say, he could say while I sat there with Blake. I guessed I really was over him.

“What is it?” I said, as curious as I was impatient to get it over with.

“I just wanted to tell you again how sorry I was about... everything. I never meant to hurt you, Cal.”

“You did,” I said. “But honestly, Zander, I’ve moved past it.” I shrugged. “Better that I found out and got hurt than kept living a lie.”

He nodded. “You know that Sophia and I—”

“Moved in together. I heard. Congratulations. I genuinely hope you’re happy together,” I said, surprising myself at how much I meant it.

“Wow, Callie. Thank you.” He glanced around the room. “It’s loud in here. Can we…” He shook his thumb over his shoulder toward the side door.

“I can hear you fine. Besides, what else is there to say?” I glanced toward Blake, who leaned forward in his chair, eyes narrowed. If I’d tried to go out the door with Zander, I was sure he’d have bounded after me.

“It’d just be nice to talk for a second, somewhere quiet. I—”

I took his hand and squeezed it. “Don’t worry about it, Zander. I’ve moved on, and clearly you have too. Enjoy the rest of the party.” I gestured toward the dance floor. “Go try to catch the garter, see if you’ll be next in line to get married.”

I turned away, and he said, “Would you come to my wedding if I invited you?”

It was such an odd question. Whywouldhe invite me? I answered as honestly as I could. “No, but I’d wish you well.”

When I sat next to Blake again, he instantly took my hand and squeezed it. “Everything okay?”

“Yeah. Just the usual apologies and regrets.”

Blake examined my face. “You seem fine.”

“I am. I wished him well... and that’s that.”

He surprised me by leaning over and kissing me. “Good.”