“Then you’d be insane, and I’d have no problem saying no.” I laughed with her. “I’d love to help Elsie more. My days are made up of rehearsing and trying to find other ways to kill the time, so you’re helping me too.”

“I appreciate this so much. I’m happy to pay you for the time because I know how valuable your help really is.”

I was thrilled that she thought I helped Elsie enough to offer to pay, but there was no way I was going to take her money. “Thanks, but not necessary. I’m getting a lot out of it too, aside from a break in the boredom. I’ve been thinking about teaching dance for a while. This is helping me decide whether or not to go for it or stick with performing.”

We talked a little longer, with me soaking up every compliment Jessie gave me about how good a teacher she thought I’d be given how well I worked with Elsie. Then she motioned for Elsie and said that I’d help her later that day if she wanted. Of course, she jumped at the chance. Blake seemed happy about it too and suggested that everyone have dinner at his place.

“You’re not planning to cook, are you?” Jessie asked him.

“I might be. But I can order pizzas if you’rescared.Scared of a real man cooking things on a charcoal grill.”

“I can make something and bring it over.”

“Okay,” he said, throwing his hands up. “Now that’s a threat. I’m still having flashbacks to Easter a few years ago. Your deviled eggs still haunt me.”

She scoffed. “I misread the damn recipe, for the twentieth time.” Jessie turned to me to explain. “I’d never made them before and was in a hurry. It called for three tablespoons of mayo and a quarter teaspoon of salt to taste. I got the mayo right and somehow also thought it was three teaspoons of salt.”

“Common sense should have kicked in,” he said. And I saw it then. That smile in his eyes Elsie talked about, despite how grumpy he sounded about the salty eggs.

“Oh, shut up,” Jessie said with a laugh. “I’d had a busy day.”

Blake laced his hands behind his neck. “Tell yourself whatever you need to.”

She shoved him, and his mask slipped long enough for him to laugh. Then he shook his head. “I’m going to go purchase some vegetables to grill alongside the burgers I’ll make later. Burgers that won’t taste like a salt lick.” He raised his eyebrows at Elsie, who laughed.

When we were about halfway home, Blake said, “I bought enough vegetables that you’d have plenty if you don’t want a burger. I don’t know if I can grill tofu, but I can try.”

“A burger and veggies are fine.” His mom was bringing a pie, so even if I didn’t eat much dinner, I’d be satisfied. “But thanks for thinking of me.”

“Hard not to,” he said quickly, then cut his eyes my way.

“Burgers sound really good, actually. It was nice of you to offer dinner. I really enjoy being around your family.”

“They’re good people.”

“Yeah. The Donovan family seems to be,” I said, purposely including him in that. He caught it, and the corner of his mouth actually rose into a half-grin as he gave me a nod.

“Speaking of good people, my friend Mackenzie is the best. I can’t miss her wedding, Blake. If I can stay alone at your house and walk around a farmer’s market with Elsie—”

His face fell. “Damn it, it’s not the same. People willexpectyou there.”

“I’m going. I have to go. And I looked it up. If you try to stop me, technically that’s a crime.”

He sighed. “Unlawful restraint. I’m well aware.”

I gave him my best pleading eyes. Finally, he groaned. “I’m tempted to handcuff us together again, just to try to prevent this.”

“Wouldn’t stop me,” I said, trying not to look too enthusiastic about being handcuffed to him again. “But you can go as my plus one. I’ll tell people you’re my boyfriend. So, it’ll be like we’re handcuffed together. Figuratively. And I’ll be as safe as possible with you right there.”

“Your boyfriend?” he said, glancing between the road and me. “At least it’s a reason to give people for me to be there. Other than ‘bodyguard,’ which would only draw attention.

I glanced down his body. “You’re going to draw attention anyway. But you’re right.”

He’d definitely draw attention. I was going to be the envy of every single woman there who had a brain in her head and an interest in sex.

He struggled with it for a few more minutes, then he said, “Okay. I don’t want you to miss something this important. We’ll go.”

I clapped my hands together. “Yay!”