I snapped my head in her direction. “Your mom?”

“Yeah, after you helped me with my routine, Mom said he’s less grumpy with you around.”

I laughed. “Good lord. If he’s less grumpy now, I can’t imagine him before.”

“He grinds his teeth a lot. Had to go to the dentist and everything. Mom said they gave him a guard to wear at night, but it turned out he only does it when he’s awake.” She leaned close and whispered, “And P.Oed.”

I mouthed the words, “Pissed off?” She laughed and nodded, so I shook my head. “Hard to believe his teeth aren’t worn down to nubs since I showed up. I’m pretty sure I ‘P.O.’ him on a daily basis about something or another.”

She bought a tiny soap shaped like a kitten on a pillow. “But when he’s grumbling and you’re around, his eyes are smiling.”


She flashed me a bright grin. “And he went out to dinner with my dance teacher from a couple of years ago. They went several times. And he never once asked me if she mentioned him.”

It took me a few seconds to parse what she was saying. “You mean he asked you...”

“He texted me the night you helped me. I mentioned how great you were and what a good time I had. And he asked if you’d mentioned him.” She laughed at the memory. “It was cute. I think he’s got it pretty bad.”

If I were twelve, I’d think the same thing. At twenty-five, I wasn’t so sure. But I had to laugh at how worldly she suddenly sounded. “Got it bad? What would you know about something like that?” I teased her.

“Robbie DeMoy has it bad for a friend of mine. He makes moon eyes at her every time he sees her and can’t manage to talk without getting tongue-tied. I know what it looks like.”

“Your uncle doesn’t exactly get tongue-tied.”

“Probably because he says fewer words. That’s what I’d do too.” She said it so matter-of-factly, my heart really wanted to believe it. Blake Donovan, afraid of getting tongue-tied around me, clamming up to avoid it. Making himself seem even grouchier than normal.

What if she was right? She knew him better than I did. Maybe...

I was going back to Austin as soon as the threat was over, so it didn’t really matter. It was probably for the best that it wasn’t true, especially for Blake’s sake.

But I did enjoy the possibility. I enjoyed it alot.

Blake stood, his arms crossed, a sour look on his face. “Having fun?”

“We are,” I said, putting my arm around Elsie’s shoulders. “As much fun as a farmer’s market will allow.”

Elsie pulled the pig potato out of her bag and showed it around. I tried to see past Blake’s scowl to the smile Elsie said was there when I was around.

“I held it up, but you probably couldn’t see it that far away.”

“Oh,” he said, squinting at it for another look. “Is that what you were laughing at?”

Elsie covered her mouth with her hand and giggled.

“Yes. Why? What did you think we were laughing at.” I tilted my head and smirked, waiting to hear his answer.

He shrugged. “Nothing. Except maybe…at each other!” He grabbed Elsie in a gentle headlock and rubbed his knuckles against her head, making her groan and pull away from him. You could see the little kid in her, thrilled at her uncle’s attention, warring with the almost thirteen-year-old who thought she was too old for things like being teased in public.

From the doting look on Blake’s face, I thought thirteen-year-old Elsie might as well get used to it. It didn’t seem like he was going to let go of little girl Elsie anytime soon.

Jessie laughed at Blake’s antics and Elsie’s reaction. Then she approached me and pulled me aside while Blake and Elsie were play-arguing about something.

“I’m asking where she can’t hear, because I don’t want you to hesitate to say no if you don’t want to. But we’re free this afternoon, and I was wondering if—”


Jessie laughed. “What if I was about to ask you to change the oil in my car or something?”