Ryder snickered. “He’s got it bad.”

“He’s fucking toast.” Bash shook his head.

I wiped a hand down my face. “Don’t give me your rubbish. Tell me what to do.”

Ryder scratched at the back of his neck. “You know how to lay on the romance. I couldn’t believe all the cheesy shit you came up with when I was trying to get Talia back. You’ve got to do some of that. I think Bash’s idea of inviting her to the concert is good. You need to come clean about being in Ghost Parker first, though. And maybe let her know your real name.”

I looked away, staring off into space. Ryder was right. I had to tell her the truth about who I was. My being a rockstar might suddenly impress her, but I had wanted her to like me for me without all the fame and fortune. Instead, she had walked away, and it had become confusing. I was sure that she was attracted to me, but she was fighting her feelings.

She’d barely acknowledged my texts when I asked about her mother, and I couldn’t think of a better plan. “Her birthday is a few days before the show. I could stop by her place and invite her to the show in person. I just need to find out her address.”

Bash slouched in his chair. “That shouldn’t be too hard to find out. Bring some flowers and romantic stuff. Girls love that. You’ll probably get laid right on the spot.”

“I’m not trying to get laid. Shite, mate. I’m just looking to see her again.” Why did I even bother trying to explain? He had absolutely no concept.

“Sure,” he replied with a roll of his eyes.

I ignored him and took another sip of beer. I finally had a plan. In a few days, I’d see Summer again. A surge of hope swelled within me.

Chapter 22


ItwasanordinaryThursday night, yet it wasn’t, because today was my birthday. I’d purposefully didn’t tell anyone at work, including my friend, Celia, so no one would make a fuss about it.

I’d gotten some well wishes on social media from some of my old friends from back home and a quick phone call from my best friend, Jade.

After I’d come home from work and heated up some leftover food for dinner, I got a video call from my parents. Since her surgery, I talked to my mother every day to see how she was feeling and check on her progress, but today’s call focused on me and my birthday. Last month, when they visited me in L.A., they left a birthday gift hidden for me in a kitchen cabinet I never used — the one over my refrigerator.

At Mom’s direction, I pulled out the small wrapped box and opened it. It was a gorgeous sterling silver infinity loop necklace and bolo bracelet set embedded with tiny, sparkling sapphires. It was a lovely gift; my mother had great taste in jewelry and fashion.

I was touched by the gesture of hiding the gift and surprising me. We talked for a while and when I was pressed; I told them that I was going out with some friends to celebrate. It was another white lie so that my mom didn’t worry about me sitting home alone on my birthday. Lying to my mother had gotten to be a habit, but I’d protect her from worry and added stress any way I could, especially now as she was recovering from surgery and going through chemotherapy.

Now that all the phone calls and birthday wishes were over, I was a bit letdown. I was a young, single woman. I shouldn’t be sitting alone in my apartment for my birthday, but that was what I had chosen. It almost felt like I was punishing myself — not allowing myself ever to have fun. Of course, my mind drifted to Scotty. I couldn’t keep him off my mind. Doubts that I’d done the right thing had crept into my every waking moment.

I didn’t have much time to further contemplate that thought because someone was buzzing my apartment. It was most likely someone buzzer bombing trying to be let in the building, but I got up anyway.

I pressed the microphone button. “Hello?”

The voice over the speaker was tinny and muffled. “I’ve got a delivery for Summer Meadows.”

It was probably flowers from my parents. I buzzed him up and then went to my purse to dig for some cash for a tip. A few minutes later, there was a knock on my door.

I looked through the peephole in the door, and sure enough, I saw a giant bouquet filled with gorgeous flowers.

I opened the door and my mouth fell open. Holding the bouquet was the man that had been on my mind every single day since the spa weekend was at my doorstep. “Scotty?”

He gave me that sly, confident smile — the one that left my knees weak — that showed off his dimples. “Happy birthday, Sunshine.”

“What are you doing here?” The words left my mouth before I could think, and I felt my face flush as soon as they escaped. His unexpected presence had thrown me completely off guard, and my heart pounded as I waited for his response.

He stood in the doorway, tall and strong, his smile radiating warmth. His brown eyes sparkled and his well-defined jawline was set with determination. His dark hair was styled neatly and just touched the top of his collar, and his clothes were perfectly tailored to fit his body. He looked even more handsome than I remembered.

“Can I come in?” He arched a brow.

I quickly stepped aside. “Yes. Please, come in.”

He stepped inside and handed me the bouquet of spring flowers that contained a vibrant array of colors and blossoms in shades of pink, peach, and ivory. The scent of the flowers filled the room with a sweet, fragrant aroma.