“Remember when she left me?” Ryder turned to face me. “I was all twisted up inside. It was the first time I’d ever felt like that. That was when I was living on your couch and you helped me win her back.”

Bash snorted. “You sent her chocolate and shit. And she came running back.”

“You don’t have a romantic bone in your body, Bash.” Ryder chuckled. “How are you ever going to get a woman to fall for you?”

Bash stood up to get a new beer. “I don’t need a woman to fall for me, and I certainly don’t need a wife. I’ve got all the women I need in my life — a nanny to help with Kody and more than enough groupies to meet my other needs.”

My leg bounced up and down. “You don’t have any doubts?”

Ryder grabbed a bowl of chips, set it on his lap, and began to dig in. “Nah. She stuck with me through the tour. I know she’s the one. That just cemented it. When you find the right one, you just know.”

It just wasn’t that easy. “I was engaged once. And then I got burned by her.”

Bash came back with his new beer. “I thought she died in a car accident?”

“Yeah, she did.” My lips twisted with suppressed grief and anger. “I haven’t felt even a tiny flicker of anything except lust for another lass until...”

Two pairs of interested eyes latched onto me.

“Until who?” Ryder asked.

“I met a girl.” I picked at the label on my beer bottle. “She seemed different.”

Bash raised an eyebrow. “Where have you been hiding her?”

“We spent a weekend together a few weeks ago. It was bloody amazing. I haven’t clapped eyes on her since and I can’t get her out of my head. ‘Tis making me daft.” The more agitated I became, the more my Scottish accent started to slip out.

Ryder laughed and then attempted to imitate my accent. “Scotty, yer aff yer heid for this lassie.”

“Aye.” I got up to get another beer. “I’m fucking wrecked.”

“Did you try calling her?” he asked.

“Of course, ya numpty. She’s not returning my texts. I know she’s in Kentucky this week; I’ve been texting with her dad.”

“You text with her dad?” Bash looked confused.

I grabbed a new beer from the fridge and returned to my spot on the couch. “Aye. Her parents love me. They think we’re dating — it’s a long story.”

Ryder frowned. “Huh? Why do they think you’re dating?”

I took a deep breath, not wanting to get caught up in the whole convoluted story. “That’s not important. The important part is that she doesn’t want to have anything to do with me.”

“Why don’t you invite her to the charity concert next week?” Bash rubbed his jaw. “Girls get all horny when they see us up on stage performing in front of thousands. Give her the VIP treatment. The after-party is going to be really classy, too. Kaylie said they are going all out to woo the donors. You’ll impress the hell out of this girl. She won’t turn that down.”

It was a pretty good idea. “There’s only one problem. She doesn’t know I’m in the band. She thinks I’m a roadie.”

“What the fuck, Knox. A roadie?” Ryder laughed. “Start over and tell us the story. It sounds good. We’ve got the time.”

“It’s not good. It’s bloody radge,” I muttered.

“Is it any crazier than our stories?” Bash was tapping a beat on the chair with his fingers. “I had a baby turn up at my door out of the blue. We thought he was Sidney’s until the paternity test and I still don’t even know who the mother is. That’s pretty crazy.”

Ryder added, “Talia crawled into bed with me, thinking I was her boyfriend. I woke up from a deep sleep with her sucking my cock and her pussy in my face. That’s how I met my future wife. Your story can’t be any crazier.”

Sighing, I looked at my mates. I’d been keeping all this to myself for weeks. I was at my wit’s end thinking about Summer and I needed their advice, even if I knew any advice the guys gave would probably be shite.

For the next twenty minutes, I told them the story, trying to stick to the facts, but I got sidetracked a few times talking about Summer. When I finished, Bash and Ryder looked at each other and smirked knowingly.