I’d been expecting a question along those lines, and since I didn’t want to outright lie, I answered as truthfully as I could while giving nothing away. “I work in music production.”

“Oh.” Jim rubbed his jawline. “You work in a music studio?”

“Sometimes,” I answered vaguely.

He picked up his beer bottle and seemed to contemplate it for a beat. “Is it lucrative?”

“Jim...” Lara warned, but I didn’t mind.

“The band I work with is pretty good, so it can be lucrative. I travel with them when they do, so that’s a perk. I love what I do. Music is my passion.”

I glanced over at my lass, but she didn’t seem to be listening to anything I was saying. She was distracted; her teeth chewed at her bottom lip when she wasn’t sipping her wine. Her lack of interaction was making me uncomfortable. This dinner wasn’t turning out at all like I’d imagined it would.

After a natural lull in our conversation when our server was handing out our meals, Lara smiled warmly at me. “We were so happy to meet you, Scotty. I was so worried. When my daughter ran off to Los Angeles with no warning, I was worried, but I’m so glad she has you here looking out for her.”

Not sure how to respond, I smiled weakly at Lara. My fake girlfriend — the one whose name I still didn’t know — was suddenly shooting daggers at me with her eyes.

Lara took a sip of wine and then grimaced, “She has a terrible track record with men—“


Lara waved her protest off and continued undaunted. “I was worried when she wouldn’t let us meet you. I thought you must be another poor choice. But I am so relieved and happy to know that she’s in excellent hands.” She paused for a moment and then added, “She is in good hands, right?”

“Yes, ma’am.” What else could I say?

Lara laughed. “You’re not married, right? No other women?”

I heard a groan of embarrassment next to me. “No, and no.”

Lara cocked an eyebrow and threw another question at me. “You won’t steal her credit cards and drain her bank account before skipping town?”

My lass gasped beside me. “Mother, stop!”

Jim put a hand on his wife’s arm. “Honey, I don’t think we need to get into all that.”

Lara glanced at her daughter. “I’m sorry, sweetie. But you know how much I worry about you all alone in a big city. Knowing you have Scotty and finally meeting him has set my mind at ease. I’m so happy for you, darling.”

My lass put down her fork. “I don’t need a man, Mom. I’m perfectly fine on my own.”

Lara frowned. “After Jake ... I just worry about you. It’s a mom thing.”

We finished our meal, making small talk while my lass silently stewed. Her mother had irritated her and it was more than obvious that she didn’t want me there. It was painfully uncomfortable tiptoeing around her bad mood. I’d wanted the dinner to be fun and flirty, but somehow I’d screwed up the whole thing.

After our plates were cleared, Lara insisted that everyone order dessert. This seemed to be the last straw for my lass. She looked like she was ready to explode.

She stood up suddenly. “I’m going to the ladies’ room. Excuse me.”

After a few minutes, I was getting fidgety, waiting for her to return. She was taking a long time. I wondered if she’d gotten so mad that she just ditched us all.

I excused myself from the table. “I’ll just go check on her.”

As I crossed the restaurant to get to the restrooms, I noticed a few people watching me. Shite, the last thing I needed right now was for my cover to be blown. Hudson stood from his spot, ready to intercept anyone who headed my way.

I didn’t slow down until I got to the narrow hall that led to the restrooms. My stomach twisted when I saw her. My lass stood alone against the wall, her arms crossed tightly across her chest and a scowl darkening her features. “What’s wrong?” As if I didn’t know.

Her head whipped my way. “Why did you come here tonight?”

I stopped just in front of her. “Because your mum invited me. She’s very persuasive.”