She inhaled deeply before lashing out. “You’ve made this all a thousand times worse. They really like you. Especially my mom. I don’t enjoy lying to them.”

I raised an eyebrow in disbelief. “You’ve been lying to them for months, apparently. Suddenly you don’t like it?”

Her eyes flashed with fire and my dick got instantly hard. This was the second time tonight. The black dress she wore hugged every curve of her body, and my hands itched to slide all over every single one of them. This girl was breathtakingly gorgeous.

“You’re an asshole,” she ground out between clenched teeth.

I couldn’t help it; I took a step closer to her and growled in warning, “Easy, lass.”

Her eyes narrowed. “Don’t call me that.”

I was staring into those angry blue eyes, trying to restrain myself from kissing her. “Bouncy bumpkin, then?”

“No!” She crossed her arms under her chest, only making her tits look more spectacular. I had no willpower to stop my eyes from sweeping over them. My cock throbbed in appreciation at the sight. I may have licked my lips.

“What should I call you then?”

Her eyes widened, and her forehead creased as she studied me. Emotions crawled over her expressive face. Her blue irises flickered with confusion, then her lips parted slightly in pure disbelief. Finally, the corners of her mouth turned down into an expression of disgust.

Her lip pursed with disdain. “You don’t even know what my name is, do you?”

I fidgeted back and forth on my feet, trying to come up with a quick answer, but I couldn’t.

She blinked her eyes closed for a second. “God, you’re ridiculous.”

My hand lifted to cup her cheek, but then I caught myself. I rested it on the wall behind her. “I’m sorry. You never told me it.”

She swallowed. “You should just leave. I’m going to go back to the table and tell my parents the truth. I can’t keep lying to them.”

This had been a big mistake. It would be far easier to just bail right now, as she suggested, but I didn’t want to be the asshole she’d accused me of being. I’d do my penance and pay the bill for the dinner and hope to bloody hell this fiasco didn’t end up as the lead story on Hollywood Expose.

My voice was soft and filled with regret. “I’m sorry. I didn’t intend to upset you tonight. Listen, I’ll go back to the table with you. We’ll eat our dessert and you can tell them. I’ll pick up the bill for all your trouble. It’s the least I can do.”

Chapter 6


Itwasacompleteclusterfuck. I rarely used vulgar language, not even in my head; needless to say, that word was the perfect encapsulation of my current situation.

Scotty had shown up to dinner and charmed both of my parents so thoroughly, to where they were fawning over him. And I didn’t stop it. I had the chance, but I’d been too tongue-tied by a mixture of shock and lust.

Scotty was insanely hot. I’d known that this morning at the coffee shop, but tonight my traitorous body had gone absolutely haywire over him. I couldn’t stop imagining him doing wicked things to me. The way he looked at me made me burn.

But I wasn’t looking for a boyfriend. Or a quick fling. And even if I was, Scotty wasn’t who I’d pick. I’d been listening carefully to him as he talked to my parents. I was fairly certain that he’d lied to them. Or had been very evasive. His tell was whenever his leg started bouncing. He claimed to be a ‘music producer’ that went on tour with bands, and all the while his leg was bouncing away under the table. Please! It was obvious that he was a roadie. He’d looked just like one this morning when I met him.

Why he had even bothered to get all spiffed up and come to dinner was a mystery. He didn’t even know my name, and yet he still came. Why? I still couldn’t figure it out, and it scared me. It made me suspicious. I had a bad track record with men, as my mother so eloquently put it, so I didn’t trust myself to understand their true motives.

I’d been burned too many times to count. First, my high school boyfriend talked about us getting married and then dumped me the day he left for college. Then there was my college boyfriend of two years who accepted a job offer across the country. He’d abruptly left me behind and then ghosted me. Then came my rebellious phase with Jake, the bad boy my dad hated who rode a motorcycle. He was the one who moved in with me, stole my credit card numbers, and emptied my bank account before taking off. Next was the online dating stage with all the horrible men that were only interested in sex. My mom set me up with the next guy, Grant. We dated for eight months before I found him in bed with another man. Finally, there was the failed affair with my boss. He was more mature — ten years older than me. I thought for sure that things were different that time. It took him more than a year to romance me until I gave in and slept with him. What I was so deluded into thinking was true love turned out to be the same old story.

God, I was hopeless with men. This year, swearing them off had been soothing to my soul. So, when a guy like Scotty pinged my radar, I needed to run the other way as fast as I could.

I felt Scotty following behind me as we headed back to the table. I noticed people in the restaurant staring at him as we walked by. If I had any doubt that he was an exceptionally gorgeous male specimen, the women and men that were checking him out dispelled that. He definitely had charisma — I’d felt it in spades.

Scotty held the chair for me when we got back to the table. My parents were drinking their coffee, but the desserts hadn’t arrived yet. Part of me wished I had insisted that Scotty leave — this confession was going to be so humiliating, but part of me was glad that he stayed. It had absolutely nothing to do with my attraction to him, I swear. I just thought he might act as a buffer from my parent’s disappointment in me.

Fessing up was going to suck. I sat down and took a deep breath. It was time. “Mom—“

“Sweetie,” she interrupted me, holding up a hand for me to stop. “Before you yell at me, let me apologize for making you uncomfortable before. You know I love you to pieces and I worry about you, but I realize I overstepped. My only excuse is that I miss you so much. And you’re still my little girl. I’ll always worry about you.”