“Tyler, right?” I approached him and kept my tone casual. I didn’t want him getting defensive right away.
“Do I know you?” he asked, completely unbothered by my approach. I didn’t expect him to remember me.
“We met once. We went out with Katie and Maci a few months ago.”
His face fell as soon as Katie’s name left my mouth.
“I heard you had some trouble over there last night.” I tightened my jaw.
“What I do with Katie is none of your fucking business,” Tyler threatened. He kept his voice down, not wanting to draw any attention to our conversation. “If I want to see her, I’ll find a way to see her.”
His answer was possessive and didn’t carry an ounce of emotion. I was all too familiar with guys exactly like Tyler. Heat prickled in my fingertips and I forced myself not to throw the first punch.
I took another step forward, and he didn’t flinch. “Actually, it is my fucking business. Katie’s a good friend of mine, and she doesn't want to see you anymore. Stay away from her.”
A condescending laugh escaped Tyler, and I tightened my grip on the box I was holding. I could knock this douchebag right on his ass in a second.
“Let me put it this way.” I mimicked his reaction and made direct eye contact. “If you come near their place again, I’ll break your fucking jaw.”
Tyler’s face went stoic. He swallowed his reply and didn’t move.
“I’ve thrown down with tons of shithead frat boys just like you. Last time I checked, I’m still pretty good lookin’.” I smirked and looked him up and down. “Don’t try me, man.”
Tyler hesitated for a moment and finally turned around in the opposite direction. He didn’t look behind him, and I waited until he left the aisle before I headed toward Katie.
December 2015
No matterhow I positioned myself in the nook of Jaxon’s arm, the back of my head throbbed.
Images of flashbacks ran through my mind and I tried to recall the events that led up to my rocking headache.
Katie’s fried rice, cranberry vodkas, Drunk Driving, the Drunk Betch playlist, and Ride the Bus against Jaxon were all core memories of last night. I didn’t even remember coming to bed.
I reached for my phone, and when I saw I had five more minutes until my alarm, I laid back down.
Jaxon murmured something and pulled me closer to his chest. I sighed and wrapped my arms around his waist. It was so easy being like this with him.
My stomach ached at the thought of leaving Jaxon for a month. It would do me good to get away from Bowling Green for a little bit, but that didn’t make missing him any easier.
Katie would be getting up any minute now to start packing her car. I was happy I packed mine yesterday. It was one less thing I had to do before making the trek back to Columbus.
“Mace,” Jaxon mumbled. “What time is it?”
“Almost nine.”
“What time is the final?”
I smiled sleepily against his chest. “Ten-thirty.”
He relaxed against me, and a light snore drifted from his slightly parted lips. My alarm was going to go off any second.
The familiar beeping sounded next to my pillow, and we both jumped out of our cuddle session. I quickly slid the alert off while Jaxon sat up and rubbed his hands down his face.
“Go back to sleep.” I placed a hand on his shoulder and gently coaxed him back onto the bed. “I’ll wake you up when it’s time to leave.”