Connor surveyed the options and shook his head. “Let me see the paper,” he demanded and snatched it from my hands.
My phone vibrated in my back pocket.
Heading to check out now. Almost done?
Just getting rice.
“Did you find it?” I asked Connor and tucked my phone away.
“Balsamic rice.” Connor shook his head like a disappointed parent. “It’sbasmatirice.” He held up the list for emphasis and threw the bag of rice into his basket.
“Dude, it is a Thursday morning and I’mgroceryshopping with you. And I’m running on an empty stomach. Give me a break.”
We started toward the registers and double-checked the list one more time to make sure we didn’t forget anything.
“So this is what you do every Thursday, huh?” Connor asked as we rounded into the bread aisle. “Lounge around Katie and Maci’s apartment and get food made for you?”
“Apparently, I shop now, too,” I joked.
There wasn’t an accusing tone in Connor’s voice, but I couldn’t help but feel like I was being found out. I didn’t go out of my way to hide the routine I had going with Maci, but I didn’t openly talk about it either.
“And you haven’t slept with her? Maci, I mean?” Connor asked with genuine interest and then quickly added, “You haven’t slept with Katie, have you?”
I stifled a laugh. I didn’t know if I should be offended or impressed by how well Connor knew me and my habits. “No, I haven't slept with either of them. Just friends.”
“Just figured I would ask now instead of finding out later,” Connor admitted.
“Katie is all yours, man.” The slight smile on Connor’s face made it clear that he was satisfied with my answer.
We approached the registers and joined the girls in line, where they had a cart full of different snacks and drinks. I scanned their selections, approving the Doritos, pretzel rods, buffalo chicken dip ingredients, and beer. There was also a bottle of Blood Orange SKYY Vodka and a jug of cranberry juice.
Katie rifled through Connor’s basket and rolled her eyes directly at me. “No bacon? You specifically asked for bacon in this rice.”
“Jesus, Mary, Joseph,” Maci mumbled and laughed at Katie’s face.
I shoved Maci’s shoulder and dragged a hand down my face. I didn’t wait for Katie to instruct me to go hunting for another item. I exited the line and made my way to the back of the store toward the meat section.
“Wait! I need a specific kind,” Katie yelled and ran up next to me. We made it halfway to our destination before Connor texted me.
I rolled my eyes and looked up at the ceiling. We were never getting out of this store. “Come find me in the pasta section once you’re done. I’m gonna get some ramen,” I said and broke away from Katie.
“Ramen?” She turned her nose up and stopped walking.
I stretched my arms out and walked backward to answer her. “Your new boy toy is requesting ramen.”
I loved getting a rise out of Katie almost as much as I loved messing with Maci. She swatted the air in front of her and continued in the opposite direction.
I still had a smile on my face when I found the last case of chicken-flavored Cup O’Noodles. However, it quickly evaporated when I realized who was a few steps away. I recognized the frat boy's haircut and the smug look on his face.
It was Tyler.
I had a decision to make. I wasn’t there when last night’s event happened, but either way, he didn’t look like the good guy in the retelling of the story. Katie wasn’t specific about what had happened prior to him coming over. He was alone, and if I approached him, I would catch him off guard. I might also make things worse for Katie if I said something, but I took a few steps forward, and my protective instinct won.