Page 36 of The Hookup Type

“Yes!” she mimicked my reaction and we both laughed hysterically.

“Connor seems really sweet,” I swooned. “Did you?”

“No.” Katie shook her head but couldn’t hide her massive grin. “But we were up all night just talking. He is really sweet. He didn’t even try anything.”

“Are you okay if they are here all day? I wasn’t sure if you wanted some space.”

“I’m totally fine with it,” she assured me. “Are you fine with it?”

“Yeah.” My voice took an unexpectedly high pitch.

Katie pursed her lips. “Did anything happen last night?”

“Nope,” I said quickly.

“Because Jaxon’s not . . .” She spoke slowly so I could finish my thought at the same time as her. “Fun Dip material?”

“Not Fun Dip material. Right.” I nodded.

A playful smirk resurfaced on her face, and she sighed. “Well, I’m going to go rally our newtroops.”

“Katie?” I stopped her halfway to the door. “Why did you ask me to call Jaxon? Why not Sam or someone else we know who is still on campus?”

Katie took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. “Because I knew he would come. I trusted him to be here and knew he would take care of things”—she paused before opening the door to the hall—“and because I knew you wanted to see him.”

It was like I told Jaxon last night. When a girl met a guy who was actually her type, she knew. It became so obvious that even her best friend could tell. The only problem with my type was I seemed only to want guys that didn’t want me back.



December 2015

Even though therewere only a few students left on campus because of finals, Kroger was packed.

While Maci and Katie roamed the store to pick out snacks, Connor and I walked up the spice aisle for the fifth time. Katie gave us a very specific list of items to get, and neither of us knew what sesame oil looked like.

“Is it really any different than olive oil?” Connor picked up a bottle and set it back on the shelf.

“I’m going to go with yes, but honestly, I don’t fucking know,” I snapped, getting more irritated by the second.

I looked up and down the aisle and spotted a woman who looked to be in her mid-thirties. She had a little boy in the seat of her cart, and she wore a matching workout set. She looked like a mom and more importantly, like someone who could help me.

“Excuse me?” I approached her and turned up the charming smile a bit. The color surfaced in her cheeks, letting me know I had her full attention.

“Do you know what sesame oil looks like?” I asked, looking her up and down.

“It’s on the same shelf as the soy sauce.” She nodded to the section behind me, and a slight grin appeared on her face.

“Thank you,” I answered sweetly, waving to the little boy. A genuine smile crossed my face when the little guy waved back.

Connor must’ve overheard our conversation because he was holding a bottle of sesame oil when I turned around. It was comical to see him with a grocery basket full of items we would never buy for the apartment. He looked so domesticated. “What’s next?”

“Rice,” I half-read off of the paper. “Balsamic rice.”

Connor led us to the next aisle and searched the rows of boxed rice.

“It says bagged,” I clarified with a hint of sarcasm. I gestured toward another section where Minute Rice was frowned upon.