Page 35 of The Hookup Type

Now the universe was just being cruel. He even made my nerdy coffee cup look sexy. I’d never be able to use that mug again without thinking of him shirtless in my kitchen.

“Mace?” Jaxon stared at me.

I snapped out of my daydream. “What?”

“I asked if you had any sugar.”

“You don’t need sugar. The creamer in the fridge door tastes just like the Dunkin order you get,” I insisted.

He didn’t argue. We had ordered the same iced coffee since the first week of classes, and he trusted my judgment.

No sooner than Jaxon slid my mug into the Keurig, Katie and Connor joined us in the living room. There was an awkward moment of silence, but overall it wasn’t the worst entrance I’d been a part of.

“Morning.” Katie smiled and turned her head so only I could see her expression. It was a clear sign that we needed to talk once we had a moment alone.

Jaxon walked my mug of hot coffee over and handed it to me.

“There’s coffee, Connor. And creamer in the fridge,” I offered and took a seat at the dining room table.

Katie sat down next to me and rested her head in her hands. I watched Connor shoot an adorable smile in her direction as he pulled two mugs from the cabinet. My heart swooned for my best friend. It was incredible timing that on the same night Katie’s stalker ex showed up at our apartment, she was blessed with the buff blonde gem that stood in front of me and prepared her coffee.

I turned to face Katie. “Any updates from last night?” I didn’t want to drop Tyler’s name and spoil the mood.

“No.” Katie shook her head. “But that makes me even more nervous. I expected to hear from one of his douchey roommates or something by now. Silence with Tyler is actually worse.”

I placed my hand over Katie’s and met her gaze. “It’s going to be fine. You’re going to head home today, and by the time we come back from break, this will totally blow over.”

“Yeaaaah,” Katie dragged out her answer and turned toward Connor. “Connor is actually from Michigan City, and I drive past there on my way home. I offered to give him a ride.”

Connor sat down next to Katie. “My last final is tomorrow afternoon.”

“You know I hate making that drive by myself.” Katie shrugged and took a sip of her coffee. I read right through her innocent facial expression and knew I shouldn’t ask any other questions.

“Yeah, it makes sense.” I offered a small smile in support.

Jaxon’s hands grasped the back of my chair, his toned arms on either side of me. “Do you guys have anything to make breakfast?”

Katie and I exchanged a playful smirk. We knew full well there was nothing here that fit the breakfast category. Going grocery shopping didn’t make sense since we were so close to break. We had been living on takeout for the last few days.

Connor looked at the two of us with an amused grin. While I knew he wasn’t happy with the current circumstances Katie was in with Tyler, he was enjoying his stay with us.

“We can go shopping for some stuff,” I said. “Let me change, and I’ll run up to Kroger.”

“Let’s get dinner stuff too.” Katie stood and downed the rest of her coffee.

“Can you make that chicken fried rice with the bacon?” Jaxon asked eagerly.

“That sounds bomb,” Connor added.

I looked up at Jaxon. This cozy morning had turned into an all-day affair, and no one was mad about it.

“It’s Thursday.” He read my mind and shrugged. “I’m usually here anyways.”

“I can make that,” Katie answered and gestured for me to follow her into the hall.

We left the boys at the table and I followed Katie into her bedroom. She waited until I was inside before she shut the door behind me.

“Can we have a moment?” I pleaded softly so my voice didn’t travel.