Until a few seconds later, when we were both scared shitless by the pounding on our front door.
I stayed planted on our couch, not alarmed enough to provide a physical reaction to our unplanned visitor. Katie crept into the living room from the kitchen and stared blankly at the door. We both jumped again when the pounding continued.
“What the fuck?” Katie demanded and took a few steps closer to the door. She scampered back over to the couch when a third round of bangs sounded from the hall.
“Katie!” a familiar voice screamed.
It was Tyler.
“Katie, please answer the door,” Tyler slurred. It was clear he graced us with this visit after having too many drinks. I totally wasn’t judging. Finals week was a shitshow for everyone’s schedule and gave us more free time than we knew what to do with. “Katie, baby, please, I’m sorry. Please answer the door!”
“Are you sure it was just an average dick?” I said slowly, trying to stifle a laugh.
Katie scowled and made a beeline to the kitchen table to retrieve her phone. “Get out of here, Tyler!” She took four long steps to the front door and glared through the peephole. She immediately backed up when he responded with more banging.
“I can’t fucking leave!” Tyler yelled. There was a short pause, and he continued his plea. “I’m not leaving until you talk to me!”
“Leave, or I am calling the cops!” she threatened and double-checked the deadbolt.
There was a loud banging, followed by multiple footsteps running down the hallway and a chorus of shouting and laughing. Katie and I stood in the middle of the living room, both of us watching the door. When she didn’t speak after a minute or so, I decided to break the silence.
I crossed my arms. “I have to say, that was pretty ballsy for Tyler.”
“Ballsy?” Katie exclaimed, looking a little panicked.
I suddenly felt a pang of guilt in my chest. I could tell by the look on Katie’s face that she was a little shaken by the whole incident.
“He can’t get in here, Katie. There are timesIcan’t get in here, and I have a key to the fucking door.” I gestured to the door and tried my best to reassure her of our hefty barrier.
She laughed, understanding exactly what I was talking about. Since day one of living in this apartment, we had both been contestants in the game of “Will my key let me in today?”. Every time the lock stuck I thanked the lovely landlords of BG for doing a shitty job with their property upkeep.
“Maci, what if he comes back?” Katie asked, and the urgency returned to her voice. “Those were probably his idiot roommates who were with him.”
“Then he comes back.” I shrugged. “And he and his shitty roommates meet two tired and pissed-off females.”
She rapidly shook her head. “He can’t come back here, Maci. Tyler and his roommates arecrazywhen they drink.” She paced around the living room with her arms crossed in front of her chest.
“Can you ask Jaxon to come over?” She looked nervous about whatever thoughts were running through her head. “I know it’s late, but he’ll come if you ask him to.”
“You don’t think that’s overreacting just a little bit?” I said gently, careful not to downplay her concern. I would call the US Army if Katie asked me to.
“Absolutely not!” Katie scowled. “I’ve watched enough true crime, and I refuse to ignore the early signs. Let me know when he’s on his way over.”
I cocked my head and watched her walk over to the fridge. She pulled out a Mike’s Hard and offered me one.
“You’re that confident that he’ll come?” I challenged, trying to ease the tension I saw brewing on her forehead.
The corner of her mouth pulled up while she was mid-sip. “I bet you the next bottle of wine.”
I rolled my eyes and snatched my drink out of her hand. I spun on my heels so she couldn’t see my facial expression while I dialed Jaxon’s number. I didn’t know why I was nervous. I had called him dozens of times before this. He answered on the third ring.
“What’s up, Mace?” He didn’t sound tired at all, and I could hear Call of Duty in the background.
I pursed my lips. “I have a favor to ask you.”
“Of course you do,” he said playfully.