Page 29 of The Hookup Type

“Wednesday night, huh?” Katie smiled into her glass and raised her eyebrows.

I shook my head. “Not tonight. I told him I was busy. I’m surprised he even texted me back since I am not available for his services.”

“Damn. You really think he’s only talking to you for sex?”

I shrugged, honestly not knowing how to answer her. The cleaner I tried to keep the line drawn between Bryson and me, the more he blurred it. I would get mad at him for something, and he would suddenly show me why I wanted to keep him around. He would give me glimpses of the guy hecould bewithout the asshole that seeped into his brain at a constant flowing rate.

“Are you sure you are okay with everything with Tyler? You were seeing him for . . .” I counted the months on my fingers. “Nine months? Almost ten.”

“Over and done.” Katie gestured toward the table when my screen lit up again. “Are you going to answer that? And better yet, if the answer is no, why not? What happened?”

I smirked and grabbed my phone to read the text.



When are you done with finals?

Not until Friday. I won’t be home until that night.

Hit me up when you get back.

“My problem is I can’t just let it go that he is probably sleeping with other people and lying about it,” I admitted.

Katie’s reaction just proved how insane I sounded. Her eyebrows knit together, and she glanced up to the ceiling as if the answer was plastered above us next to the cheerfully lit garland.

“Why are you making a hookup complicated?” she finally said, sounding a little aggravated with my confession.

“Honestly?” I took a long sip of my Moscato, draining the glass. I tried to give myself some more time to come up with a good answer and came up blank. “I really don’t know. I think I just expected him to see me as a friend, at least? At least care enough about me to be honest?”

Katie got off the couch to retrieve a second bottle of wine from the top of the fridge. She popped the cork, tipped the bottle over to fill my glass to the top, and then filled her own.

“First of all, as brutal as this sounds, he doesn’t owe you that. It is okay for a hookup to just be what it is, and sometimes that doesn't make you friends by default.” She took another sip. “Second, how do you know he is lying?”

Katie’s words sunk in, and I sighed, knowing she was once again spot on with her analysis.

I shrugged. “Just a feeling. He’s so sneaky about everything.”

Katie sucked her teeth and grinned playfully. “Why don’t you just ask Jaxon if he’s lying?Hewon’t lie to you.”

I rested my head on my hand to hide my smirk. Since his last final was the same as mine, I knew that he was still in Bowling Green. I felt a little higher at the sound of his name.

“Can I do that?” I asked suspiciously, and Katie laughed into her glass.

“I don’t see why not!” she exclaimed. “Use your resources!”

I nodded, becoming more convinced by the minute that her suggestion wasn’t a bad idea.

“Ugh, Tyler just asked if he could come over.” Katie rolled her eyes at her phone screen and continued scrolling on whatever app she was on.

I raised my eyebrows at the thought of Tyler begging for Katie to give him one last night. “Are you going to let him?”

“No.” Katie shook her head and tossed her phone to the side. “As tempting as some average dick tonight sounds, I am good with going to bed early so I can head out early tomorrow.”

We laughed over our last glass of wine and talked about how we would spend our winter break. I would miss Katie during our month apart, but I couldn’t wait to hear about her Christmas in Seattle while she visited family and all the shopping she would do in Chicago while she was home for New Year's.

“I’m calling it.” Katie sighed. It was just after eleven thirty, and she looked exhausted. She grabbed both of our empty glasses and placed them in the dishwasher. Faith Hill’s “Where are you Christmas?” hummed from the TV screen while the credits rolled, providing the perfect ending to our evening.