“Okay then, no, it doesn’t bug me. You’re friends with them, right?”
“Eh.” I shrugged and looked up at the sky.
Her eyes narrowed and her mouth formed a hard line. “What iseh?”
“Just . . . I don’t know.” I shrugged again and repeated my answer. “Eh.”
“Okay.” She spoke slowly, like she was talking to a small child. She took a few steps toward me. “Do you still fuck around withehs?”
Her tone was light, but her question was pretty straightforward. Even though it was unexpected, I was glad she got to the point.
“There it is.” I smiled and pushed off the side of the Jeep.
She leaned her back against the car door and smirked at me. I knew there was more she wasn’t saying, and I needed to prompt it out of her. I placed my hands above her head and forced her to look at me. Her eyes met mine, and she waited for me to continue.
“I don’t plan on fuckin’ around with anyone else but you,” I admitted, not only to her but to myself. It was the first thought I had put into words regarding how I felt about her and what we were doing.
“Can you promise to let me know if that changes?” she asked in a small voice. She sounded nervous, and the skin around her eyes grew soft.
“Is this us talking about what happened last night?”
She cleared her throat, and she sounded more like herself. “I think this is part of it.”
Her expression shifted again, and my heart sank a little. I hated to see her try and act like she wasn’t nervous in front of me. I wasn’t Bryson, and she knew that. But that didn’t excuse me from all the times I tried to tell her that we were the same.
“Yes.” I offered her a small smile. “I can promise to let you know if that changes.”
“Why does everything about this feel so complicated?”
I straightened up and stuck my hands in the pockets of my jeans. “Because neither of us has said what we want.”
She shook her head. “I don’t think either of us knows yet.”
“You don’t know yet?”
“I thought I did.” She shrugged and looked down at the ground. “I know what I said last night, and that doesn’t change. But I don’t want to rush into something that neither of us is sure about.”
I didn’t like where this was going. I didn’t want this to be something Maci regretted, and the thought of not being with her again made my stomach turn.
“Let’s just see what this is then,” I suggested casually. “We’ve got a few months of school left—let’s worry about it when we have to.”
She pushed off the car. “So nothing has to change? The only difference is I get to sleep with you now.”
I recognized the playfulness in her voice, and I grinned. “That sounds right.”
She stretched up on her toes and planted a small kiss on the corner of my mouth. I went to pull her in for more, but she spun around and walked around to the trunk.
“Now pop your trunk and let me get that blanket,” she shouted and leaned around the car when I wasn’t right behind her.
“Do you want my hat?” I asked when I noticed her bouncing up and down to keep warm.
“Which one?”
I reached into the trunk and pulled out my Carolina Panthers beanie. She lit up instantly and snatched the hat from my hands. She placed it on her head, and I stared at her. I wasn’t sure what it was about this girl wearing my clothes, but suddenly the thought of not getting another moment alone with her for a while seemed unbearable.
“Hold on a second.” I slammed the trunk shut and dragged her by the hand to the side of the Jeep that faced away from the beach.
I pressed her against the passenger side door, and my mouth collided with hers. She placed her hands on my chest to get her bearings and leaned into my kiss. I fisted one hand at the base of her hair and slid my other under her hoodie. Her skin was warm against my fingers, and she shivered at my touch. Her lips moved quickly against mine, and I could feel my erection against my jeans.