I shrugged, and an exasperated laugh left my chest.
“Don’t worry. If they ask you for that threesome again, I’ll offer myself as a sacrifice.”
“Good luck with that, bro.” I laughed, and he burst into hysterics. “That’s a lot of crazy wrapped up in two leeches.”
We were still laughing when we returned with armfuls of firewood. The girls had set up the chairs and blankets around the fire pit, and all of the snacks were laid out on one of the tables with the coolers stored underneath it. Two other tables were on the other side of the firepit so they could be used for games. It looked like an official party spot from the beaches back home.
“Jared weren't you an Eagle Scout or some shit.” I set my wood down next to the pit and moved so others could do the same. “Get this started.”
A few of the guys laughed, and Jared scowled at me. “You bet your ass I was.”
As soon as the fire was lit, Maci, Katie, and a few other girls grabbed drinks from the coolers and found a seat in the circle. Heather and Reagan stood at the end of one of the tables and waved me to join them. Bryson smacked the back of my shoulder on his way to the game, and I laughed.
I looked over to where Maci was sitting and caught her staring at me. My mouth parted slightly, and she looked me up and down. I watched her gaze linger on my waistline, and she shot me a naughty grin. I almost got hard off of that look alone. She turned her attention back to Katie, and I forced myself to keep walking.
Music started to play from behind me as I made my way over to beer pong. The noise from over near the firepit was replaced with the sound of waves as they crashed against the sand.
“Boys against girls.” Heather bounced up and down and shot a ball toward our set of cups.
Bryson and I exchanged a handshake, and I dipped my pong ball in the water before I took a shot. Since I made it, we shot first.
We went back and forth for a while. The girls kept up with the shots that Bryson and I delivered, but after two rounds of getting the balls back, we took the lead. We had played for so long together it wasn’t surprising when we ended up running the table for the next three games. Bryson grew louder with every game we won, and by the end of game four, he was feeling pretty good. I drank at half his speed since I drove and desperately needed water.
“I need a break,” I announced and stretched my arms over my head.
Bryson nodded and drained his drink. Switching gears almost immediately, he caught Aaliyah as she started back up to the fire.
Reagan wrapped her arms around my waist and hugged herself against my chest. “Let’s go do a shot,” she suggested innocently and stared up at me.
I laughed. “Let me get a water first.” I removed her grip from around my body and took a step away for some space. I wasn’t in the mood for her to get handsy.
As soon as I left Reagan’s side, Brad and his roommate came over to the table to take my place. I headed toward the coolers and searched around the fire until I spotted Maci. She smiled sweetly at something Jared had said and looked past him to where Heather and Reagen were playing pong. She was looking for me.
I grabbed a bottle of water and walked behind the circle of chairs until I reached hers. “Hey, pretty girl,” I whispered in her ear, and she jumped.
She giggled and lowered her voice so only I could hear her. “I like that.”
I took the empty chair beside her and chugged half my water bottle. I needed about three more of them before I could have another beer, especially if I was going to play pong with Bryson.
“Is your car unlocked?” Maci asked.
“No, why?” I finished the rest of the bottle and tossed it in the trash.
“Can I have your keys?” She stood up and held out her hand. “I was gonna get Katie’s blanket out of the backseat.”
I looked over at the path that led up to the parking lot. I couldn’t see anything past the other side of the fire, and there was no way I was letting her walk up there by herself. “It’s dark up there. I’ll walk with you.”
She didn’t argue with me, and I was grateful for her cooperation. I wasn’t ready to explain why she shouldn’t go into a dark parking lot in the middle of nowhere by herself. She waited for me to get up, and we walked in silence.
The way her chair was positioned, I was positive she witnessed Reagan with her arms around me. Maci had never questioned me about girls I had been with—unless it was to swap stories or just talk about things we experienced. However, this was before we slept together, and I knew how girls changed in their thinking once that happened.
While I wasn’t making out in the corner of a bar like Bryson did, I still didn’t know how to gauge her reaction. Even though it was innocent in my mind, it could’ve looked different in hers. I didn’t want to view Maci as just another girl I hooked up with, but I felt like I didn’t have a choice. I had witnessed too much between her and Bryson.
We reached the Jeep, and I leaned against the driver’s side door. “Does being around Heather and Reagan bother you?”
She was surprised by my question and crossed her arms in front of her chest. “Are you gonna ask me this every time I’m around a girl you’ve slept with?” she answered playfully.
“No,” I said with a hint of caution.