Page 68 of The Hookup Type

I shook my head. “I don’t think so.” The last I heard, Tyler had to spend a few days in the hospital, thanks to the damage Jaxon had dealt.

“Damn.” Sam sighed. “I hope this doesn’t sound insensitive, but I amdyingfor a fun night out. Do you think Katie will be up for a low-key evening?”

We stopped in front of my Elantra, and I turned to face him. Sam unlocked his Camry from the opposite row and waited for my answer.

“Describelow-keyfor me, please.” I knew full well that Sam didn’t even know the definition of low-key.

He pursed his lips and looked up at the sky. “What about Nate and Wally’s? Fishbowl races, maybe some shots at Brathaus, and then we can hit Jimmy Johns and go home?”

I stared at him and thought about his proposal.

“Low-key,” he repeated.

I laughed and threw my bookbag into the passenger seat of my car. “I will run it by her and see. Are you free both Friday and Saturday?”

“Saturday works better, but I can make Friday work if needed!” Sam started walking to his car and turned around to wave goodbye.

I returned the wave and slipped inside the Elantra to crank the heat.

When I returned to the apartment, I was surprised I didn’t walk in to see the happy couple cuddled up on the couch. It was empty and eerily quiet.

I locked the door behind me and surveyed the place one more time.

“Katie?” I yelled into the silence.

No one responded.

I shrugged and went into my room to change and unpack my bookbag. I had totally different classes tomorrow, so I prepared my books for Thursday’s routine and charged my laptop so it was ready in the morning.

My stomach growled. It was almost four, and I hadn’t eaten since my bagel for breakfast. I stared at the fridge and frowned at the options. My phone buzzed in the pocket of my sweatpants. I immediately checked to see if it was Katie, and I was surprised when it wasn’t.


What are you up to?

It was early for our usual Wednesday conversation starter. Bryson continued his routine of hitting me up on Wednesdays after his attempted apology a few weeks ago. The familiar knot in my stomach formed at the sight of his name on my screen. I hated how much I enjoyed his attention. Even I knew how pathetic it was to continue to see him after what happened at The Attic.

I’m thinking of ordering food. Want in?

I tossed my phone on the counter and grabbed a Dr. Pepper. I took a long sip and stared at the conversation bubbles on my screen. I’m sure I would think back to this time in my life and shake my head, but right now, Bryson eased the ache in my chest carved out by everything that had happened recently.

Jaxon and I were at a standstill, and I wasn’t even sure where that left our friendship. Katie had gone through something very real and traumatic, and she was still dealing with that. She also had Connor, who had rightfully taken up most of her time.

I was lonely. Bryson might not have cared about me, but his company and penis did the job.

Yeah I’m down. I’ll be there in 10.

* * *

After a large orderof Pollyeyes and two rounds of sex, Bryson was typing away in my room on his laptop. Katie and Connor returned from dinner and a movie shortly after Bryson arrived, and thankfully we had already shifted to my bed by the time they came back.

My bedroom door was open, and so was Katie’s. I could hear the intro ofGilmore Girlsfrom across the hall and texted Connor.

How is she doing? Gilmore Girls again??
