Let’s go to Beckett’s after your class. They have $5 burgers on Wednesdays.
Sounds good :)
The professor for the class entered the hall and set his materials down at the desk. I slipped my phone into my jacket pocket and opened my laptop. It was still on my economics essay from earlier, so I typed out a few sentences until class started.
After three Google Documents of notes, two discussion boards, and a pop quiz, I was done for the day. I hated coming into the education building for class, but it was one of the only buildings on campus with lecture halls big enough for specific sections. There were always cohorts of excited soon-to-be teachers, and colorful posters hung on every corner. It was the exact opposite of the corporate style I was used to.
I walked across the first-floor lobby and stopped as soon as I hit the stairs. I noticed her right away. I wasn’t sure if it was because I secretly looked for her or because I wanted to see her.
Maci stood next to her friend Sam. They were both looking at some papers she held in front of them.
I wanted to walk over to her and say something, but I didn’t have anything else to say. It had only been two and a half weeks since I saw her, but it felt like an entire season had passed. I just needed some more distance to get my mind back on track with what I was comfortable with. I hadn’t slept with anyone since break, and it was out of character for me to go a few weeks without having sex.
I tossed my empty coffee cup in the trash and shifted my direction so I could leave unnoticed through the back entrance of the building. I pushed through the doors and pulled out my phone.
Ready when you are!
Perfect timing. Just got out of the shower. Give me 15 minutes!
Sounds good. Mind snagging me from campus on your way there? :)
I slipped back into the student union to get out of the cold. There was no way I was walking all the way to Beckett’s from campus, and I didn’t feel like taking the shuttle back to Falcon’s Point to get my Jeep.
I’ll park in front of the union. Text you when I leave!
February 2016
“Please tellme you at least applied to these three!” Sam exclaimed and stole two more pamphlets from my pile. He poured over the words Manhattan, Santa Barbara, and Tampa. “Talk about a fun location! Could you imagine living it up in Manhattan?”
I swiped back the handouts and laughed at his supportive excitement.
On Tuesday, my Educational Psychology class heard back from the internship coordinators for applications we sent in a few weeks ago. I successfully heard back from four regarding my status. It didn’t mean I was accepted, but I passed the requirements and was in the running for four internships for the summer of 2017.
It was a long shot, but I still felt excited at the opportunity.
I shrugged. “I won’t have any updates until next spring, so I have some time to make my pros and cons charts.”
We walked out the front exit of the education building and started the trek to Lot J. Sam also parked in that lot.
“How is Katie doing?” he asked, throwing his fur-lined hood over his head.
“She is okay,” I answered honestly.
It hadn’t taken long for everyone on campus to hear about Tyler’s incident at The Attic. Tyler was in a fraternity, so news traveled fast once people caught wind of who was involved in the fight. There were a ton of bystanders that night who knew Tyler from his involvement around campus. Everyone the cops talked to had spoken on Jaxon’s behalf, explaining how Tyler was drunk with his hands on Katie and threatened to hit me if Jaxon hadn’t gotten in the way. Last I heard, Jaxon wasn’t even contacted by the police.
Tyler was banned from The Attic, removed from his fraternity, and faced suspension from Bowling Green State University. He wasn’t even allowed to attend classes or step on campus. This all went into effect Monday afternoon, shortly after everything even happened.
Connor’s dad used to work with the chief of police in Bowling Green and pushed the entire investigation. While Connor had the best intentions when he chose to call his dad and push for support, I wasn’t sure if Katie saw things that way. She didn’t want to file charges or take further steps when making Tyler pay. She just wanted everything to be over.
Tyler faced the consequences he had been given so far because Connor’s dad encouraged the university to act against violence. Whenever a university was threatened because of a student’s activity, they worked quickly to remove that student's association with the school.
“Has anyone even heard from Tyler?” Sam asked.