Page 10 of Draco

“We’re waiting on Skinny to get back to us with information and then we’ll call Church,” Draco replied.

I’d known that I wouldn’t be able to keep Draco out of it from the start and I got to say it was a relief to have the MC as backup when needed. It warmed my heart, and it was further filled with warmth when I stepped into the kitchen, toed off my shoes and was enveloped in a hug by Maggie. I can’t lie, I melted into her arms. There was nothing quite like a hug from a mum, even if she wasn’t your own.

Maggie let me go and cupped my cheeks, looking into my eyes to assess how I was. I assumed Draco had called her to tell her he was bringing me over for supper and my assumption was correct with her next words. “I hear you’ve had a rough day.”

I nodded, my eyes tearing up a little, taking a deep breath. I willed them back. I'd cried more than enough today. “You could say that,” I replied with a small smile.

“You let Liam and the boys look into it and forget about it all for tonight,” Maggie advised, taking my hand and pulling me into the kitchen, pushing me down into a chair next to Abby who grinned at me, “Hi, Molls, joining the madness tonight I see.”

“Yep,” I agreed before greeting everyone that sat around the table. Mostly adults except for Ellie, who was concentrating over a piece of homework by the looks of it. Julia sat next to her, helping with it. A hand appeared over my shoulder and a glass of wine was put in front of me. Tipping my head back to see who it was, I smiled up when I saw Draco, “Thanks,” I mouthed.

“Welcome, babe,” he replied, pressing a kiss to my forehead before moving on to top up the next glass. I took a big sip of my wine, and it was then that I realised the kitchen was silent. I looked up and saw that everyone was watching us with mouths agape in surprise.

I rolled my eyes and said, “I know, I know. I’ve already heard it from Navy asking me if I was feeling okay. I’ve had a rough day and I don’t feel like fighting. Tomorrow is another day and I’m sure Draco and I will more than keep you amused with our squabbles once I’m feeling more up to it. Until then, as you were,” I waved my hand around the table.

That started them laughing, and soon everything was back to normal. Draco gave me a wink and a smile before he went outside with Reaper. The rest of the MC slowly followed them out, and I knew he’d update them. I figured that Reaper would call Church once they had more information, so I was content to wait until then.

Joining in the conversation about what to do for Halloween that year, I said I had some ideas, and we could discuss it on Friday when they came over to mine. It was my turn to host, so we made plans to meet up Friday night at my house.

While we were discussing all this, a little voice in the back of my head was wondering how I could get Draco to kiss me again and maybe go a little further. It had been a long time since I’d been with anyone, and I was ready to get rid of this dry spell. I mean, who better than the man who infuriated me to no end, kept me on my toes and kissed me like he'd been waiting for me all his life?



Reaper tilted his head towards the kitchen door and headed outside. I followed him, knowing he would want an update.

“What's going on with Molly and this Rupert fucker?” Reaper demanded as soon as we were outside.

The rest of the brothers had followed us outside, so I updated them with as much information as I had. I let them know that Skinny was looking into it for us and as soon as we had more information, I'd have Reaper call for Church.

Then I let them know about upgrading the security on the farm. “I have to call Adam at O’Shea Security later tonight with an order for additional cameras and lights for us to put up at Molly’s.”

“And does Molly know about this?” Rogue remarked with a small smirk.

I take great delight in informing them with a wicked grin,“Yes she does, and she agrees with me.”

The shock on their faces filled me with amusement. Honestly, it had surprised me too when Molly was so agreeable about the additional security measures.

I rubbed a hand over my head before standing with my hands on my hips and my head bowed down. I sighed before looking up, “She may have agreed to additional security measures, but I haven't told her that that includes me staying with her at the farmhouse.”

This last statement had the brothers cackling with laughter.

Dragon was grinning when he said, “We’ll be sure to send somebody over to check on you in the morning to make sure you survived the night.”

“Are you going to hide her knives?” Bond chortled, snorting a little with laughter.

I couldn't help but laugh with them, “Fuck off the lot of you. I will tell you I'd rather have her feisty and giving me shit than crying like she was this afternoon.”

That sobered them up quickly. “Ah fuck, brother, that sucks,” Navy said, his tone turned serious. “If you need us to do anything like patrolling at night, you just have to ask.”

And that was the thing about Navy. No matter how much he could irritate you by not thinking before talking, he was always one of the first to offer help. I knew all the women had a soft spot for him. Out of all the new brothers, he was the one who spent the most time with Molly. At first, I thought he was trying to make a move on her, but then after listening to one of their conversations, I realised he was truly interested in the brewery and treated Molly in the same way we treated Noni, Avy, and Bella.

I clapped him on the shoulder. “Thanks Navy, let's get the security upgraded and more information from Skinny and then we'll decide if we need to add patrols.”

Just then, the back door opened, and Bren called out the door, “Pops, supper's on the table.”

“Thanks, sweetheart,” Reaper called back to Bren. “We'll be in shortly.”