Page 11 of Draco

He then turned to me, “Let me know as soon as Skinny has any information.”

I nodded my head in agreement, “Will do, Pres.”

Dragon looked around after Reaper mentioned Skinny. “Saying that, someone needs to go get Skinny to come and have supper. He’s probably lost track of time if he’s searching for information on this Rupert dick.”

“I'll go,” Bond said and jogged off towards the clubhouse.

The rest of us headed back inside the main house to have supper. The kitchen was empty when we entered, so after washing our hands, we walked into the main dining room.

I noticed right away that Molly was sat in the chair next to where I usually sat. This made me grin a little as usually the family tried to keep us far apart from each other during meals. Not tonight though.

I pulled out my chair and sat down, resting my hand on her thigh, expecting to have it pushed off, but Molly just gave my hand a squeeze and left hers on mine while she continued her conversation with Noni, who was sitting across the table from her.

I caught my dad’s eye, and he gave a wink and grin when he noticed. I tuned back into the conversation that the women were having about a spa weekend that Rogue was paying for. Originally, he was only going to send Avy, Noni, and Rea as a thank you for helping him with his proposal song to Julia but had decided that all the women needed to go and had put Noni in charge of finding somewhere.

It was going to cost a bomb, and Onyx and Reaper had already said they’d chip in, and now that Molly was going, I’d help out. Thor and Shep had already put money in for Noni, Avy, and Kate. And I knew my dad would pay for Mum and Bella.

Skinny and Bond came in and supper commenced with its usual chaos of passing dishes and dinner conversation. I’d miss this when I moved in with Molly as I’m sure we wouldn’t be coming over for dinner every night, and Molly’s dining room wasn’t big enough for all of us. I’d have to build a kickass barbecue area so we could have the family over in the summer.

All I had to do was get her to agree to me moving in, and I didn’t envision it was going to be easy.

After finishing supper, the kids started clearing the table, and I noticed that Molly was flagging.

Leaning towards her, she gave a little shiver as I quietly whispered in her ear, “Give me ten minutes, babe, and I'll take you home.”

“Okay,” she replied with a smile, her brown eyes looking happier than they had this afternoon.

Getting up, I went to my room and quickly packed a bag with enough clothes for a couple of days. Opening my bedside drawer to get my phone charger, I hesitated when I saw the box of condoms. My hand hovered over them indecisively before I picked them up and added them to my bag.

I was weak and knew if Molly gave me the green light, there was no way I was walking away.

Throwing the bag over my shoulder, I walked over to the door and picked up my gym bag from where it was sitting on the chair by the door, ready for the morning.

Running downstairs, I found the teenagers in the kitchen cleaning up.

“Sam,” I called out to get his attention.

“Yeah, Draco,” he answered, looking up from where he was stacking dishes ready to be rinsed next to the sink.

“Can you make sure this is in the car tomorrow for the gym, please,” I instructed him, handing him my gym back.

“Sure thing,” he replied. “Are you going out tonight?”

I nodded, “I’m going to stay at Molly’s for a couple of days.”

“You’re what,” a sharp voice said from the hallway.

I grimaced slightly, and Sam grinned at me. There were sniggers from all assembled in the kitchen.

Turning on my heel, I looked into the annoyed brown eyes of the firecracker standing in the doorway with her hands on her hips and a frown on her face.

“It’ll just be for a few nights, Molls, only until we get the additional security set up.”

Molly harrumphed before grumbling out, “Fine, but only for a few days.”

I bit back a smile and nodded agreeably, “Just a few days.”

Saying our goodbyes, I hurried Molly out the door before she changed her mind and onto the back of my bike.