Page 9 of Draco

He laughs outright, “No shit, boss, she's feisty. I don't think I've ever seen her cry. She’s a tough cookie and usually rolls with the punches. Her falling apart today means that this guy messing with her business has hit her really hard.”

I nodded in agreement, and we quickly finished up in the brewery and I made sure it's locked up tight behind us before we walked over to the house.

Cairo headed to his bike and got on, shooting me a salute as he got ready to leave, “See you at the big house, VP.”

I give him a chin lift in acknowledgement before I walk into Molly's house. I sit at the kitchen table waiting for her. I think this must be one of my favourite rooms in this cottage.

I stand when I hear Molly coming down the stairs. She walked into the kitchen in a tight pair of jeans that nicely cups her gently rounded behind, an oversized dark blue men’s button-up shirt that looks suspiciously like one of mine. She has it tied at the waist with the sleeves rolled up to just past her hands. Her hair is in a French braid, and she looks gorgeous in a girl next door kind of way.

“Let me just grab my boots and we can go,” Molly says, heading to the shoe rack and grabbing her DM’s before sitting in her grandad's chair to put them on.

Once she's done, she stands and grabs a leather jacket off the hook by the door, making sure she has her keys before turning to meand saying with a small smile, “I'm ready when you are.”

I'm really not sure what to do with this new Molly and decide that while she's amenable, I'm going to do what I've been dying to do for the last five months from the first moment that I saw her in this very kitchen.

Hooking my arm around her waist, I pull her slowly towards me, her eyes widen in surprise and before she could say anything I press my lips to hers. Surprisingly, she doesn't kick me in the balls. Instead, she curves into me, opens her mouth, and greedily kisses me back.

My cock hardens instantly, and I give a throaty groan as she lifts a leg and wraps it around my thigh. With my hands cupping her arse, I lift her for easier access to her mouth and I press her back to the closed door. The door that still holds knife holes from where she threw them at me.

Eventually we come up for air, and in Molly’s eyes I see a mixture of lust and surprise.

“Wow,” Molly breathes in amazement. “We need to do that again.”

I chuckle as I grind my forehead into her shoulder before pressing a kiss to her neck just under her jaw, where her pulse is beating a tattoo under her skin. Molly gives a little shiver, and I smile a little smugly, glad to know I’m not the only one that’s affected. With a sigh, I release her legs and slowly let her slide down my body, trying not to moan out loud as she rubs against my hard cock on the way down.

I know the moment Molly realises I'm hard because her eyes flare slightly, lifting to mine before dropping down. I don't say anything, just help her into her jacket and open the back door. I sigh, thinking that I'm in for another uncomfortable ride back to the Manor. Seems to be a natural state for me when I’m around this woman; it doesn't matter if we're fighting or not.

Once I get us settled on my bike, I look in the wing mirror to find Molly grinning. My discomfort is a small price to pay to see her smiling.

I just hope her good mood continues when she realises that I'm moving in.



I wrapped my arms around Draco’s waist as we left my house for the short ride to Crow Manor. My lips were still tingling from our kiss and my clit throbbing to the beat of my heart.

Holy moly, the man could kiss. I wondered that if we didn’t piss each other off so much if we’d have gotten here sooner. I gave an internal shrug because I think Draco liked to press my buttons and see me explode. I’d often caught him with a smirk on his face when I let loose. But I knew that as much as we wound each other up, he would also always be there as support when I needed it. He’d shown it in many ways over the months thinking he was being sneaky and that I wouldn’t find out it was him that sent the prospects over to help with packing, loading, and sometimes even the deliveries so I didn’t have to do it. Once I happened to mention at one of the club barbecues that one of my kitchen pipes had a small leak and he’d come over to fix it. I had given him some lip before I’d let him fix it though. I needed to keep the man on his toes, after all.

Before long, we were pulling into the garage that housed the bikes. ‘Heaven forbid they be left out in the elements,’I thought with a little smile. Navy had pulled in just before we’d arrived and was removing his helmet as we pulled up next to him. He did a double take, and his eyes widened in surprise when he saw me on the back of Draco’s bike.

“Holy fuck, hell must have frozen over,” he said with a chuckle as he got off his bike and sauntered over to us.

“Fuck off, Navy,” Draco grumbled. Patting my leg, he let me know it was okay to dismount. I shook my head as Navy continued to stand there grinning at us. I got off and waited for Draco.

Navy pressed his hand to my forehead, and I glared up at him. “What are you doing?” I muttered, pushing his hand away from my face.

“Checking your temperature because you two aren’t trading insults and barbs like you usually do. Just making sure you aren’t sick,” Navy said with a snicker.

I rolled my eyes and pushed away from him and started to walk towards the back door, knowing that at this time of the day almost everyone would be in the kitchen or main dining room getting ready for supper.

I smiled a little when I heard the sound of flesh hitting leather followed by a disgruntled, “Fuck, VP, I was only teasing.”

“Yeah, how about you don’t. Molly’s had a rough day.”

“Sorry, VP, I didn’t realise. Is she okay, is there anything I can do to help?”

And that was Navy to a tee, always putting his foot in it but deep down one of the best men I knew. And this group had a lot of good men, but Navy was one of my favourites, mostly because of the foot in the mouth problem he had. It kept me in constant amusement. That and the fact that he was happy to learn from me and we spent a lot of time together in the brewery learning all the tricks of the trade. He treated me like the annoying little sister he’d never had.