Page 8 of Draco

Pulling my phone out, I called Adam O’Shea and listened to the line ring before he answered.

“O’Shea Security, you’ve got Adam.”

“Adam, it's Draco, I need your help.”

“Sure, Draco, what do you need?” Adam replied.

“Some knobhead is fucking with Molly’s brewery, and I want to up the security on the place.”

“Uh huh, and does she know this?” I could hear the amusement in his voice, but I wasn’t in the mood. She was going to get additional security, no matter what she said.

“No. And I know I’m going to have a fight on my hands, but she needs it. I’d rather she be safe than sorry,” I explained.

“Okay, send me a list of what you need, and I’ll get the costs for you. It will be for the hardware only as I know you guys will more than likely install it,” Adam replies.

“Thanks man, I’ll send you the list tonight. Have a good day, mate.” I tell him before ending the call just as Molly and Cairo pull up by the brewery.

Leaving my bike where it was, I walked over to them and opened Molly’s door. I look into the cab of the van and tilt my chin in greeting at Cairo. “VP,” he acknowledges me before getting out.

I turn my attention to the blonde dynamo, and I can see straight away this is hitting her hard. She is one of the hardest working women I know and has an enormous amount of pride in her beer, hence her ongoing feud with me after I unwittingly told her that her beer could do with improvement.

She turned to me as Cairo got out and it guts me to see that she has tears forming in her eyes, her head hitting my chest as the first sob breaks free. Unsnapping the seat belt, I turn her in the seat so her legs are hanging outside and step between her parted legs, wrapping her tight in my arms, one hand cradling the back of her head. I let her cry it out without saying anything, just holding her. When her sobs turn to breathy hiccups and I think she is nearing the end of her crying jag, I say, “Talk to me, Firecracker, what do you need?”

She rocked her forehead against my chest and shrugs before replying, “I don’t know, Draco. I don’t understand why someone is doing this. I don’t know anything about Badger Brewery.”

I tilt her head back, take in the drenched sad brown eyes and trembling lips and want to maim the idiot who decided that it would be a good idea to mess with Molly.

“Okay, sweetheart. This is what we are going to do. To start, you’re going to go home, get showered and changed and then we are going over to Crow Manor for supper, and we’ll fill the rest of the MC in on what’s going on. Skinny is already looking into this fucktard for us.”

She gave a little grin at me calling Rupert Badger a fucktard.

“Then, we’re going to let Adam O’Shea know what you need to get better security in and outside the brewery,” I continue, and I cringe a little waiting for her to lay into me as I start to shuffle my feet to best protect my balls should she decide to knee me in them as she was at the right height sitting in the van.

To my surprise, she nodded in agreement. “Okay, I think that’s a good idea.”

I was gaping at her in shock because I fully expected to get pushback from her on this.

She laughed a little at the look on my face before saying, “What?! I can be reasonable, Draco, and everything you have suggested so far has been reasonable. As much as we like to argue, I know you always have my best interests at heart.”

I frowned at her, “Okay, I don’t like this. I want my Firecracker back. I’m not sure what to do with an agreeable Molly.”

Molly chuckled a little at the look on my face, “Oh, don't worry, I'll be back to giving you hell tomorrow. But for today, the hug has been appreciated.”

“You're welcome, Firecracker, and hugs are good for the soul. I'll happily give you one anytime. Now how about you head into the house and see about getting that shower. Cairo and I'll sort out the van and then I'll come and pick you up.”

“Okay,” Molly says, wiping out the tears under her eyes. “I’m sorry I snotted all over you.”

I shrug and reply as I help her out of the van, “Nothing a spin in the washing machine can’t sort out.” I can't help but smile as the top of her head barely hits me mid chest. She grabs her bag out of the vehicle, throws it over her shoulder and looks up at me before instructing me, “Bend down.”

I bend and I'm surprised when she presses a kiss to my cheek. “Thank you, Draco,” Molly says sweetly. Before turning and walking back to the house.

A little unnerved by a sweet Molly, I walk to the back of the van and see that Cairo is nearly done unpacking.

Going into the brewery, I help him stack the unbought beer back on the shelves.

“I heard what you said about adding security,” Cairo informs me. “I think that's a great idea. I also think it may be a good idea for someone to spend the nights here with her,” Cairo continues with raised eyebrows and a slight smirk on his face.

“Yeah,” I agree, rubbing my hand across my mouth before returning Cairo's grin. “I think you might be right, although if I'm not in contact by eight in the morning, you’d better come and find my body because she's likely to have killed me.”