Page 38 of Draco


I cupped my balls in agony, bile rising to my throat and my eyes watered. The love of my life had just screamed at me from the hospital bed in the delivery room that if I came near her one more time, she was going to use her knife to castrate me.

And my mother, the woman who gave birth to me and was meant to love and protect me, had tears in her eyes as she struggled to hold her laughter in.

“Fuck,” I whispered, still bent in half as the pain made my legs weak.

“Serves you right, you arsehole, now you know what my vag feels like. I swear to God, Draco, you are never coming near me again. And I’m never doing this again either.” She turns to my mum and says tearfully, “You’re my hero, Maggie, how did you do this three times?”

Mum slides her hand over Molly’s head and wraps an arm around her, running a cold cloth over her face. “It’s okay, sweetheart, you’re doing so well. You’re nearly there and then all this pain will be forgotten once you have your beautiful baby in your arms. But in the meantime, if you need to beat on Draco, you go right ahead. It’s all his fault anyway.”

I gaped at my mother in horror at her words but stood as she glared at me from the other side of the bed and motioned with her head to Molly and glared at me again when I shook my head that ‘no’ I didn’t want to be anywhere near my wife.

I swear my kind, sweet mother’s eyes spat fire at me as she said through gritted teeth, “Draco, get your arse up here and hold Molly’s hand.”

I gingerly sidled up to the bed, picking up Molly’s hand, then I brightened. If I was holding it, there was less chance of her hitting me again.

Molly turned to me as soon as I picked up her hand, her face crumpled as she sobbed, “I’m so sorry, Draco, I didn’t mean to hit you and I don’t hate you.”

“Ah, Firecracker, don’t cry,” I whispered, wrapping an arm around her as my mother let her go and left the room. I hoped it was to go and get a midwife. Molly pressed her face into my stomach, grinding her forehead against me, sobbing out, “I don’t want to do this anymore, I’m so tired.”

I laid a hand on her very pregnant belly and felt it tighten against my palm. I felt like such a shit. Molly wasn’t a whiner and she’d been at this for hours now. I don’t know how much longer she could do this without them deciding a c-section may be the better option. I knew she was against having one, but if they said one was needed, I’d carry her down to the theatre myself.

I felt another contraction ripple across Molly’s stomach and she ground her head into me, panting hard until it was over. Lifting her head from where she’d hidden it against my stomach, “Draco, something’s happening I feel like I need to go to the loo.”

“Shit, hang-on babe.”

Letting her go, I rushed out the door to look for my mum shouting for her, explaining to the midwife what Molly had said as they all came back into the room.

The midwife lifted the sheet and had a look before she smiled, “Mrs. Davies, I think it’s time. I see the baby’s head.”

The relief that I felt when she said that flew through me. I thought it would be a quick process from there, but no, it seemed our little princess was a little stubborn, just like her mama. She came out in her own time screaming her anger at the world for having been evicted from her nice, warm haven.

Later that evening, once the family had been, and it was just me and Molly left with our beauty, Sophie Maggie Davies. Molly held Sophie all wrapped up tight in a pink blanket, her rosebud lips pursed as if she was waiting for a kiss, her cheeks plump and pink. We’d counted every one of her fingers and toes earlier.

Pressing a kiss to Molly’s head, I wrapped my arms around my girls. Molly snuggled against my chest and soon both of them were fast asleep. The door opened, and I looked up to see Navy come in with a pink bear and a gift bag. He put both on the table by the door as he made his way towards us quietly.

His face softened as he looked at Molly and Sophie sleeping against my chest.

He lifted his head to look at me before whispering, “Congratulations, brother, she’s beautiful.”

Navy sat down in the visitor’s chair and got as comfortable as you could in them and whispered, “Sleep, I’ll keep watch.”

And just like that, I relaxed my vigil knowing my brother would keep watch while we slept. It’s what we did. Protected.




I’m not sure what Draco and Navy are up to, but they’ve been disappearing on a regular basis behind the security fence that had been erected after the fire around where the small barn had been.

I bounced Sophie against my chest and patted her little butt. She’d just finished her bottle, and we were walking back to the farm from visiting and checking on Skinny at Crow Manor. He was doing much better, and his hands were healing nicely.

Sophie enjoyed being in her sling against my chest and I wanted to carry her for as long as I could because she was growing like a weed and I knew before long she’d be too heavy for me to carry like this. I may be biased but my baby was beautiful. She had all my features but all of Draco’s colouring right down to his gold eyes. I was so in love with her, and Draco was just as bad as me. When she wasn’t in my arms, she was in his.

I was working on him to let us make her a sibling. He was adamant he was never going to put me through a delivery again. I’m not sure if it was because he didn’t want me to be in pain or if he was worried I’d follow through with my threat of castration. I did have a laugh when Maggie told me what I’d said and done. The poor guy. I didn’t remember any of it. I’d keep working on him and hopefully by this time next year Sophie would have a sibling. Not that she’d be lonely even if she was our only child. Reaper and Abby, and Onyx and Rea had both had boys who were only a little older than Sophie, so she would always have company no matter what. She’d never be lonely like I had been.