Page 39 of Draco

We were getting closer to the start of our farm and looking up, I saw Draco was leaning against the fence at the end of our road waiting for me and Sophie. I gave him a little wave and smiled as he straightened. I sped up slightly to get to him quicker. And walked us straight into his open arms, automatically tilting my head for the kiss I know is coming.

“Hey, Firecracker, I missed you two today.”

I smiled up at him, “We were only next door. What have you and Navy been up to today? There was lots of banging going on.”

Draco grinned at me. When he was like this, it made me wonder why we’d ever fought. Then he does something or I do something and we're off again. That’s when I remember.

Although most of the time we tend to sort it out in bed. We’d had to get a little creative now that we had Soph, but I figured that added to the fun.

Draco took my hand and pulled me along with him, “Come and see your surprise. I know you’ve been worried about how to keep throwing knives now that we have all the kids arriving, so Navy and I put our heads together and built you this.”

We rounded the big barn and the first thing I noticed was that the fencing where the little barn had been, was gone and in its place was another barn about the same size as the one that had been there before.

Navy was standing waiting in front of the double doors as if he was waiting to throw them open.

“Here, give me Soph,” Draco insisted, undoing her straps and expertly transferring her from me to him. “Go, babe, go open those doors and look at your surprise. I hope you enjoy it.”

I get to the doors just as Navy throws them open with a grin and a flourish. I smile at his silliness and step through the doorway, but it’s so dark I can’t see anything.

“Light switch is to the right, Molls,” Navy calls out.

I blindly reach to the right and feel along the wall until I hit the switch and the lights flicker on.

I gasp as I see what they have made for me. The floor is still the same concrete floor that was originally here. I can still see some burn marks and I can see where repairs have been made. But what draws me are the two lanes they’ve set up. One is for knives, and I see they have laid my bundle of knives out on the table waiting for me. There is a huge ring of wood waiting for me to mark it up with my knives. The next lane is set up for axe throwing, something I have always wanted to try. My man listens to me.

I turn to them with tears in my eyes. “Thank you, this is the best present ever,” I whisper. Clasping my hands in front of me, I walk over to Navy and Draco. I throw my arms around the man that had become like a brother to me, always happy to get into mischief but also always there to back me up, no questions asked. With one more hug and kiss to his cheek, I leave him and I walk up to the love of my life and wrap my arms around him and our beauty. My heart so full I feel like it could burst.

Just then there’s a scuffle by the door and Noni puts her head around the door, “Well, did she love it?”

I laugh and wipe my tears away, motioning her in, “I do love it. It’s awesome.”

The rest of the MC followed her in, bringing with them the laughter and madness that always came along with them. I spent a lovely hour trying out my present and learning that throwing knives and axes were two totally different things.

Surprisingly, it was Bren that got throwing the axes down before any of us. She blushed at the praise she received. One day, she would stop being surprised when she was praised.

As for me, I snuggled down in my husband’s lap and watched as Maggie loved on our girl. Mila was sitting on Dog’s lap, rubbing her hand gently down Sophie’s foot.

Onyx was standing against the wall, his chunk of a son in his arms, watching Rea as she attempted to throw an axe and grinning when she failed.

Reaper was in much the same position, but with Abby tucked under his arm and their son in his arms. After a rough pregnancy, they’d decided that five kids were enough for them and they were both making time to enjoy their last baby, knowing that there would be no more for them.

Life was good, and I knew I’d never have to worry about being lonely again.