Page 29 of Draco

“Firecracker, you better not be thinking of picking that table up,” I challenged her as I got closer.

Molly glared at me, her hands on her hips, head tilted back, and lips pulled firm, “Don’t you tell me what to do, Draco. I’m not an invalid, nor am I an idiot. No, I wasn’t going to pick it up, that’s why Noni’s here to help. So, help me God, if you are going to be a pain in my arse this entire pregnancy, I may still cut your balls off,” Molly hissed at me while looking around to make sure there were no little ears in the vicinity.

Noni sniggered next to her. I stopped walking when my feet touched the toes of Molly’s boots, making her tilt her head back to look at me.

I couldn’t help the little smirk that escaped me and grunted when she ploughed her fist into my stomach. Cupping my hands around her cheeks, I pressed a closed mouth kiss to her lips. Holding my smile back as they softened undermine, I vaguely heard Noni sigh in disgust as she walked away. Softening our kiss, I pressed one last soft kiss to Molly’s lips before wrapping her in my arms and hugging her close. Her body relaxed into mine as she sighed happily and snuggled in.

“Love you, Molls.”

“I love you too, even if you are a moron sometimes.”



“You are happy about the baby, aren’t you?” I whispered into her hair.

Molly snapped her head back to look at me, her eyes wide with surprise.

“Of course, I am. I’m only teasing when I complain. There were two of us in that bed, Draco and I could have stopped you at any time and made you get a condom,” Molly’s hands cupped my face much the same as I’d done to her earlier. “I’m happy honey, that isn’t something you ever have to worry about. Although don’t expect me to stop threatening your balls, it’s fun to watch your brother’s wince,” she ended with a laughing snort.

I joined her laughter with my own. I'd notice their sympathetic looks every time Molly threatened me.

Letting Molly go, I made short work of loading her table before tucking her under my arm and stretching our legs with a walk around the remaining tables, with Molly stopping every few feet to admire children’s costumes.

We were in the catering tent getting a cup of hot chocolate when the first cry went up, shortly followed by another, then for someone to call the fire station.

Reaper was the first out of the tent, shortly followed by the rest of my brothers.

I pushed Molly at my dad, “Look after Molly, Dad,” I ordered before saying to Molly, “Please stay with my dad, Firecracker.”

Molly tucked herself tight into my dad’s side, nodding her head in agreement, “I'll be fine, Draco, go,” she assured me. Pressing one last kiss to her lips, I ran out, following the rest of my brothers.

I could see the flames in the distance, too close to Molly’s house. From this distance, it looked like it was the little used barn to the side of the main barn. Our pigs were housed in the main barn at night.

I could hear their panicked squealing from here. I raced along, catching up with Navy and Bond, who’d been the last out of the tent. By the time we got to the yard, Reaper and Dragon were wetting down the roof of the main barn and the rest of the brothers were pulling away anything that was likely to catch fire from the smaller barn. Thankfully, we only kept old farming equipment in the small barn and none of it was highly flammable. In the distance, I could hear the sound of the fire engines as they came racing towards us.

A few minutes later they came screaming into the yard, and it didn’t take them long to put the fire out.

I started, my attention so focused on what was happening in front of me that I hadn’t heard Skinny come up next to me until he spoke, “I’m sorry, VP, I missed him. I saw him when I was checking the cameras and I got over here as quickly as I could, but the fucker was already gone and then I was trying to put as much of the fire out as I could.”

I took a moment to look at my young brother and realised his face was black with soot, the white of his eyes and his teeth shining bright in the lights from the fire engines.

I let my eyes travel down cataloguing to make sure he was unharmed, and then I got to his hands and noticed they were burnt.

Grabbing Skinny’s wrists, I held up his hands to the light, “Fuck, brother, what have you done?” His hands were a mess of burns and blisters.

He tilted his head down to his feet and I saw a whimpering mess of black and white quivering at his feet. “She was trapped inside, VP; I couldn’t leave her to die, so I got her out.”

“Ah, Jesus, Skinny,” I sigh as I take in the mess human and dog are in. “Okay, let's get you to Rea and your pup to the vet and we’ll go from there.” Pulling my phone out, I dialled Rea’s number and explained to her what had happened and Skinny’s injuries.

Then, turning away from Skinny, I call Bull over knowing he would want to be with his younger brother, “Bull, I’ve called Rea to come to the big house. Take Skinny and his friend back up there. We’ll all be uponce this is cleared away.”

Bull had jogged up when I called out and the mountain of a man who was also a trained medic was looking at his younger blood brother’s hands. “You did a good job of fucking your hands up huh, bro,” he muttered as he squinted to see them better in the dim yard light. “You’re going to be going to the hospital for these. Who’s the friend I have to look at?”

I pointed to our feet and Bull squatted to hold his hand out to the scared pup that still hadn’t left Skinny’s feet. When she didn’t snap at him, he scooped her up. She looked tiny in his massive arms. Whining a little, she pushed her head towards Skinny. He obliged by tilting his head down and chuckled when she snuffled and licked at him, her tail beating a happy tattoo against Bull’s side.

“Right,” Bull said to Skinny. “Come on, let’s get to the house so Rea can get you to the hospital and I’ll take your friend to the twenty-four-hour vet to get checked over.”