Page 30 of Draco

Leaving Skinny in Bull’s hands, I walked over to where Reaper was standing with the Fire Chief. The police had been called as the accelerants that had been used to set the fire had been found.

Reaper assured the chief that if anything had been caught on our cameras, we’d make sure they received it.

I filled Reaper in on Skinny’s hands and that I’d sent him to the hospital with Rea and Bull. Of course, Onyx heard and he and Rogue took off after them.

I left it up to Reaper to finish up with the police. Navy, Hawk, Bond, Cairo, and I went back to the field, although by now it was mostly only family left.

I pulled Molly to me as soon as I set my eyes on her, and we filled everyone in. Julia and Noni said they’d go to the hospital to sit and wait with those that were already there, packing up a box of leftover food and coffee to take with them.

The rest of us made short work of breaking everything down and loading up. The company that had supplied the jumping castle and the haunted house was nearly done packing up and assured us they didn’t need any help when we went over to offer our assistance.

Leaving them to it, we headed back to the main house to get our orders from Reaper on what needed to be done next.



It was a week after the fire, and I could be found doing my favourite thing. Throwing my knife so hard that it vibrated as it embedded itself in the tree. I pulled another knife out of the sheath on my thigh and pulled my arm back; then, in a smooth movement, I brought my arm back down and released the second knife, relishing the ca-dunk sound it made as it hit the trunk of the tree and embedded deep into the wood. It was a good way for me to take my frustration out. The guys tended to beat on each other, and I threw knives.

I was done!

That fucker had hurt one of ours. Enough was enough. Skinny would be in the hospital for some time to ensure he didn’t get an infection in his hands. Which meant all the computer stuff he did for the MC wasn’t being done because nobody realised how much of the security he took on himself and nobody had the skill set to fill in for him. Bond was trying, but he admitted he was in over his head.

The men were getting nowhere. They were getting stonewalled at every turn when they tried to gain entry to Badger Brewery. They were talking about going in under the cover of night and breaking in.

And the little weasel never left the estate alone, so they couldn’t grab him either.

Not that I agreed with either of those plans, anyway. I knew they had the police covered, and it was unlikely that they would get arrested and put in prison.

However, I had an easier way to gain access to the brewery and not one that meant clandestine breaking and entry. It was time for us Crow women to get involved. Well, some of us anyway.

I pulled my knives from the tree and checked them for damage before returning them to their sheaths to be sharpened. I walked back to the house. I needed to have a shower and pretty myself up for later today.

Badger Brewery was having a cocktail party this afternoon to show off the brewery so he could press the flesh with surrounding pubs and businesses. It was by invitation only, and knowing we wouldn’t get an invite, I'd had my grandad’s friend Dave from the Fox and Hound Pub reluctantly secure three tickets to it for me.

All the women of the MC knew where we were going and what we were planning. I’d also looped in Navy and Cairo because I wasn’t stupid enough to go without further protection in case it was needed. Not that I expected to need it, but it was good to know they would be waiting down the road should we need them. I’d managed to keep what we were doing from Draco because I knew he’d throw a hissy fit and try to lay down the law. And frankly, I couldn’t deal with the stress of arguing with him. Best to ask for forgiveness later once I was safe back home. ‘I had ways to make him forget I ever did anything wrong,’I thought with a giggle.

None of us were stupid, and we weren’t going in unarmed, either. I had my knives strapped to my thighs under my dress and I knew Noni and Avy were similarly kitted out as it was Noni who had provided us with the thigh sheaths. I wore my trusty black cowgirl boots with the hidden compartments, and I had a further four small knives in there.

Straightening up after tugging my boots on, I gave myself a little nod of approval at what I saw when I looked in the mirror. I was dressed in a black sweetheart dress with a white trim. It fitted tight at the breast, showcasing my girls nicely with a wide skirt that fell to just below my knee.

My hair was up in a bun, with wisps falling around my face. I knew I looked good. And innocent enough to get away with most things. No-one would expect the arsenal I had strapped to me.

With a bounce to my step, I went downstairs to wait for Noni and Avy to pick me up. Hearing a car pull up, I grabbed the small bag that held my phone and lipstick. I stopped to check my image in the mirror by the door.Yep, I look good.Blowing a kiss at myself in the mirror, I open the door to leave, only to stop when I find Dog waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs leading to my front path. He was all decked out and looking dashing in a suit, his hair combed back, and his beard trimmed.

“Well now,” I beamed at the man in front of me. “If this is what I have to look forward to, I'm a lucky lady. Looking good, Dog.”

Dog shakes his head as he looks at me, “Molls, I was hoping the girls were wrong when they said you were going with.”

“Pshaw,” I waved my hand, before bracing it on my cocked hip. “It was my idea and my contacts that are getting us in. We’re not stupid, Dog, we have Navy and Cairo close by too. And we are all armed.”

“Well,” Dog answered, taking my hand and pulling me down the steps before threading my hand through his arm, patting my hand gently as he walked me towards the waiting Land Rover. “Now you have me too. There is no way you are going in there carrying my grandbaby without me being right next to you,” he muttered.

I shrug and turn to him before getting in the car, “I don’t mind you coming, Dog, just don’t get in my way if I have to use my feminine wiles.”

With that I got into the back with Avy and Noni, who were both looking hot in their cocktail dresses. Noni in an emerald green that showed off her red hair and green eyes. And Avy in a midnight blue making it seem as if her creamy skin was glowing and her blue eyes pop with the colour.

“Looking hot ladies,” I praised before demanding, “tell me what you are carrying and where?”