My hands are shaking, and I know in my heart I need to tell someone. I give in and call him. He answers on the first ring, “Lucy? Are you okay?” I hear the concern filtering through the phone. Then I hear a female voice and laughing in the background. My heart sinks and I feel sick.

“Yeah, everything’s fine. I was just checking in…it’s been a while. But it sounds like you’re busy, so I won’t keep you.”

“Lucy, no I’m—” is all I hear before I hang up.

I close my eyes against the tears burning them. How could I be so stupid? Of course, he’s with another woman. Why wouldn’t he be? He told me how he lives his life, so I have no reason to be surprised he’s already found someone to check those boxes. My phone ringing startles me, and I see its him, but I don’t answer.

Instead, I call my mom. I’ve talked to her a few times since I’ve been here. She only knows what I tell her… what I told Dad and Ivie. “Mama, can you talk?”

“Sure, sweetie. What’s wrong?” I let myself cry for a moment as she listens.

“I think I’m broken. My heart doesn’t let me fall for men who will keep it safe. It’s like it seeks out the most pain it can find.”

“Lucy, your heart works exactly the way it’s supposed to. Regardless of the heartache, there’s a reason your heart led you to where you are. You’re stronger than you know, and your heart is smarter than you think. Sometimes you have to quiet all the static trying to interfere and stay still so you can listen to what it’s saying. That can be hard to do. We want what we want exactly when we want it, but love is on its own time, baby. You can’t rush it; you have to trust your heart when it leads the way,” she says gently but surely.

“What if he doesn’t love me back?” I choke out.

“Lucy, it’d be impossible not to love you. And if the man you’re talking about doesn’t return your feelings, then are you sure you listened to what your heart was trying to say? What does your instinct tell you?”

I think for a moment, because in my soul, I feel empty without him and I know he has to be feeling it in some way too, since Sterling said what he said. Maybe I was too quick to leave,and to hang up just now,my mind chastises.

“Thanks, Mama. That helps. I love you.”

“I love you, sweetie. I hope you can come home soon.”

“Damn it,” I say under my breath. Mom comes up behind me.

“Tate, is everything okay?”

“I don’t know. That was Lucy. It’s the first time she’s called since she left but she didn’t stay on the phone long.” I lock my hands around my neck. Tonight’s family dinner night. It’s me, Mom, Dad, and Emerson. When I noticed Lucy was finally calling, I was so excited to hear her voice, I answered before stepping away from the table and everyone was talking in the background. My guess is, she heard Mom or Emerson and thought… well I know what she thought.

“I need to leave, Mom. I’m sorry.” She steps closer and places her hands on my face.

“Go get your girl, son. I can’t wait to hear all about it and finally meet the woman who managed to capture your heart.” She kisses my cheek and winks before turning back to the dining room at Dad’s.

I smile as I walk outside because I can’t believe how easy it’s been to have Mom back in my life. And Emerson and Dad. It’s certainly unexpected, but good. It’s like no time was missed at all. I book it to my truck, and I know exactly who I’m going to have a chat with to find her. If Lucy won’t come home yet, I’ll go to her. I’ve let too much time pass without her.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Tate.” I stare into eyes that are so much like Lucy’s it’s uncanny. It only serves to make me more determined to get to my girl.

“Ivie, you’re not a good liar. I know you know where she is. I didn’t want to ask Sterling to help me, but I will if I have to. Please, I need to see her,” I plead like a desperate man, something I didn’t think I’d ever be.

Ivie blows out a frustrated breath, no doubt turning over in her mind whether she should tell me or let me figure it out on my own. I’m sure Lucy swore her to secrecy. Ivie would protect her at all costs. Aside from Ivie, Steve, and her mom, I’m sure no one else knows where she is. That’s what she wanted. I don’t know Steve or Phoebe McCree so I can’t show up and demand to know where their daughter is. Ivie is my only hope.

“Why do you need to see her?” She narrows her eyes at me, sizing me up.

“Listen, Ivie, I know a lot more about Lucy and why she left than you think…probably more than you do if I had to guess. I care about her. I want her to be back here where she has friends and family—where I know she’s safe.” It’s almost as if we’re in a showdown. Neither of us move or speak while she mulls over what I’ve said.

“I want her home and for her to be safe too. Is she in danger, Tate? What do you know that I don’t?” I pick up my ever-present ball cap and run my hand through my hair, something that’s become somewhat of a nervous habit for me.

“You have pieces of her I don’t, but trust me, I have my own which is why I need to see her. I can’t tell you things I promised her I wouldn’t tell…even if I want to.”

“Tate, you better be honest with me about one thing. Are you in love with her?” she asks point blank.

“I really think that’s something Lucy should know before anyone else does,” I answer immediately. I won’t deny my feelings for her, but I want her to hear it first.

Ivie grins. “I knew it.” She pumps her fist in the air. “But know as her best friend and sister, it’s my job to tell you…if you hurt her, I’ll make your life miserable,” she says with a twinkle of mischief in her startling green eyes.

Once she tells me where she is, I set off toward Murfreesboro, only stopping by my house to get Rocky. I scratch him behind the ears as he sits on the front seat beside me. “Let’s get our girl.” He stares ahead at the road and looks like he’s smiling as if he knows where we’re headed.