I long to hear his voice and feel him next to me, which confirms what I already knew…I’m hopelessly in love with him.

My phone rings, catching me off guard. It’s Sterling.That’s odd.I answer on the third ring.


“Lucy, I’m glad I caught you. I need a favor,” he says excitedly making me grin.

“Anything. What can I do for you?” I ask with a laugh.

“I’m going to ask Ivie to marry me next month and I was wondering if you’d help me pick out a ring. I’m planning this whole night. I’m going to ask her and already have everyone waiting at The Silver Note for a surprise engagement party. Do you think she’d go for that?”

I can’t help the smile that seems to grow impossibly bigger with his news. “I think she’ll love it. And I’d love to help you pick out a ring.” I pause for a moment unsure what to say about meeting him somewhere.

“I know you work in Franklin so I was wondering if maybe we could meet at a jewelry store you’d recommend there. Maybe I could meet you one day next week when you get off?”

I breathe a quick sigh of relief, glad I don’t have to tell him where I am. “That’ll work. Text me when you want to go next week, I’m flexible.”

“Thank you, Lucy. I’ll be in touch. Oh, and Lucy… is everything okay? I know you’ve been spending time with Tate, but lately you haven’t been around, and he’s been closed off.” He pauses a bit and then continues. “Just like you’re Ivie’s best friend and sister, he’s my family and best friend. I can tell when something is wrong.”

The happiness I felt moments ago evaporates. “Tate doesn’t open up to me, either. I talk to him, but not in depth. And you’re right, I haven’t been around lately. I’ve had some things I needed to take care of.”

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to pry. I was just hoping to gain a little insight. I hope you get things worked out for yourself. Let me know if I can help,” he says in such a way, I know he knows I’m keeping something from him.

“Thanks, and I hope he opens up to you.” We say our goodbyes and end the call.

I’ve done my work for the day, so I head to the kitchen to get the bottle of wine I bought last weekend when I went out for a few groceries. Hearing Sterling say Tate’s closed off brings tears to my eyes. I decide to take my wine and sit in the living room and find some happily-ever-after romantic movie so I can blubber into a bowl of popcorn.

After placing my glass on the coffee table, I return to the kitchen so I can make my bowl of buttery goodness. As I’m waiting for it, I decide to check my emails and find one from Serena Lawson. My stomach drops in dread. What if Taylor destroyed my house when he realized he couldn’t find me?

Opening the email, it’s not bad at all. Quite the opposite. She informs me Tate replaced my window for me and has been keeping things up while I’ve been gone on my sabbatical.Sabbatical?He told her I was on sabbatical?

I can’t believe he did that, or that he’s covering for me so elaborately. It’s genius. When my popcorn is done, I take it to the couch. I want to call and confess my love for him, and tell him thank you obviously, but I don’t.I can’t.I’m not strong enough to hear his voice yet. Instead, I send him a text, thanking him for fixing my window and tell him goodnight.

“That’s the one,” I say to Sterling, pointing at a solitaire diamond in a platinum setting. “Ivie’s classic and simple, and that ring is simply…her. She’ll love it.”

He eyes it, no doubt envisioning asking her by the look on his face. Sterling’s one of those tough guys, all man, all rugged edges, and no nonsense—until it comes to Ivie and their baby. Then he turns into a love-struck fool and it’s the sweetest, most heartfelt thing I’ve ever seen. They make you swoon, and I love it.

He glances at the lady behind the counter who was waiting with a sparkle in her eyes while he made his decision. “I’ll take that one.”

While he does the paperwork and gets checked out, I continue to browse until I hear my phone in my purse. It’s a text.

Taylor:I knew I’d find you. I just had to be patient. I hope you’re looking at rings and thinking of me.

I drop my phone as if burned, and it tumbles loudly to the floor. A few other customers, including Sterling, turn toward the noise, finding me as the source.

Sterling walks over to me with furrowed brows, “Lucy, what’s wrong? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

I scoop up my phone and slide it in the back pocket of my skinny jeans. “Everything’s fine. I’m just clumsy and dropped my phone, it startled me.” He doesn’t believe me, no doubt about it.

“Are you sure?” he’s like a bloodhound who’s caught a scent, which is one reason he’s so good at his job. You don’t get much by him.

“Yes, I’m sure, But I do need to go,” I say sweetly, trying to calm my racing heart while putting on a face for him.

“Oh, I was hoping we could chat a bit more about the party, but I guess I can call you later and talk about it.” His dark brown eyes are laser focused on me, trying to detect any hint of the truth.

“You have my number.” I laugh a bit too shakily. He walks me to my car before we say our goodbyes. I lock my car as soon as I get in and take off. I shouldn’t have come somewhere he’d be searching. For all I know, he followed Sterling, or had him followed. Hell, he could have someone watching everywhere he thinks I might be…he has enough money to pay someone to do it.

I drive a different way back to Murfreesboro and I make several loops constantly checking to make sure I wasn’t followed before pulling up at my dad’s. I quickly get in the house and set the alarm, and for good measure, I check the entire house to make sure all is as it should be and secure. Once I’m satisfied, I get ready for bed and think of calling Tate.