I stand and make my way to where she is. As much as the bruises on her body anger me, right now I’m consumed with the need to comfort her. I tuck her dark hair behind her ear, then use my thumbs to wipe the tears away from her delicate face. “I’m so sorry, Lucy. I’m so sorry he hurt you.”

Her lip trembles as she quickly nods, closing her eyes. I can’t help myself. I tip her chin up so she’s staring right in my eyes. I don’t want her to hide from me. And I know I shouldn’t do this; I shouldn’t kiss her, but this girl has been etched in my mind since I first saw her at Sterling’s house. She’s different. And that alone should stop me, but it doesn’t.

I lean down and gently press my lips to hers. She kisses me back, throwing her hands around my neck. I deepen the kiss and gently pull her body into mine, slipping my tongue through her parted lips, claiming her mouth as mine. She finally lets out the sexiest little moan I’ve ever heard, and it pulls me back.What the hell am I doing? I’ll only break her heart more.I take a step back angry at myself for getting caught up in the moment and she drops her hands to her sides. Her lips are swollen from my kiss, and it’s taking every ounce of strength in me, not to take her to my bedroom right now and show her how a real man treats a woman, to kiss all of her pain away and erase the memory ofhimfrom her mind.

“I’m sorry, Lucy, I shouldn’t have,” I start and see fire ignite in her eyes.

“No, I’m the one who’s sorry. Goodnight.” She grabs her clothes off the floor and stalks down the hall to her room, Rocky trailing right beside her. She slams her door. When she does, I feel as if she slammed it on my heart. I close my eyes and clench my fists at my sides, knowing I screwed up.

She trusted me, and I made a move on her while she was vulnerable. And damn, if I wasn’t right—kissing her makes me want so much more. But I can’t do anything more. I’d break her heart and I won’t let myself do that. Even if she’s breakingthroughto my heart. It will be a truth I’ll have to hide from her, I’m no good at love. She deserves someone who is, and so much more.

Morning light falls across my face as I slowly blink my eyes open. Rocky perks up from the foot of the bed as I roll over and grab my watch from the nightstand. I see it’s a little after eight, meaning Tate is probably long gone and at work on the ranch. This is the latest I’ve slept in a long time. With all that happened, I took a leave from work after I got out of the hospital. Right now, I have nothing but time on my hands—time to fix this mess called my life.

I go through the motions of a shower and get dressed before packing the bag I brought with me and search for paper to leave Tate a note. I let him kiss me last night. I can’t let my heart get tangled up with him. I need to leave and save us both from ourselves. I find paper and a pen, then scratch out a note thanking him, and leave it on the table with Rocky watching my every move. I kneel down to his level and rest my head to his. “Thanks for hanging out with me buddy. Take care of him for me.” I scratch behind his ears and head for the door.

Looks like Tate drove the four-wheeler up to the barn and wherever else he needs to go. I search his truck and find his keys in the ignition. I hop in and drive to barn. When I climb out, I don’t see Tate. I can’t take his truck. I was hoping to find him so he could take me home. “Lucy?” I hear a familiar voice from the past sound behind me. I turn in search of it and see Hawk Abbott walking out of the stable wearing faded jeans and a black hoodie with a black baseball cap that saysValley B Ranchin neon green.

He smirks at me as he walks my way, and I can’t help but smile back. “It’s been a while, Hawk. What are you doing here?” He reaches me, and quickly wraps me in a hug. I hear a motor in the distance, signaling someone is here. I assume that someone is Tate. I step back waiting for Hawk’s answer, but my gaze flicks to Tate and the way the muscles tick in his jaw as he gets off the four-wheeler.

“I work here for Sterling and Tate. What are you doing here? And driving Tate’s truck?” he asks slyly as realization hits him. But he couldn’t be more wrong. “Are you two…” I don’t have a chance to answer before Tate reaches us. His face an expressionless mask.

“Lucy, what are you doing?” Tate asks.

“I need you to take me home. I have some things to take care of and I need my car.” Hawk’s gaze pings back and forth from me to Tate like he’s watching a tennis match. Tate hasn’t moved or answered me.

Hawk finally breaks the silence. “I can take her home so you don’t have to leave,” he volunteers.

Tate works his jaw even more. “I appreciate it, but I’ll take her.” He turns on his heel and heads for where I left his truck.

Hawk smiles at me again and says, “Well, are you two seeing each other?”

I laugh, “No, not even close. He was just helping me out with something. Listen, it was good to see you.” I quickly hug him again before turning toward Tate’s truck.

“We should catch up some time,” he calls after me.

“Yeah, maybe,” I answer with a wave.

“How do you know Hawk?” Tate asks as we pull up at my house. The entire drive was spent in silence. He choosesnowto start talking.

I answer him honestly. “I’ve known him for a while. He uh, he was actually the guy who asked me out while I was with Taylor… the one I told you about. I had no clue he was working for y’all on the ranch.”

The muscle in his jaw continues to work as he processes what I said with us sitting in utter silence and tension so thick I feel like I’m suffocating. He’s going to break his teeth if he doesn’t stop clenching so hard.Is he jealous?That’s ridiculous. There’s no reason for him to be. I’m nothisto be jealous over. I’m nobody’s…and he doesn’t do commitment. Even if he did, I’m in no shape to be falling for someone new. I’m so…broken.

I quietly grab my bag and open the truck to get out and when I turn to thank him again, he’s facing me with confusion evident in his features, finally noticing my bag. “What are you doing with your bag? I thought you agreed to stay with me a few more days. If this is about last night, I promise—”

I cut him off before he can continue. “I appreciate your help, but I’ll be okay. We barely know each other. You don’t need to take on my problems.” I jump down and out of his truck giving him a small smile.

“Lucy, don’t be stubborn. I’m the only person who knows the truth. I don’t care how well or how long I’ve known you. Don’t shut me out.” He gets out of his truck and comes around to where I’m standing, searching my eyes—for what I’m not sure.

“Truly, I’m fine. I’m going to drop my stuff off and then go see Ivie.” His hand comes up to caress my face and I relish in his touch for a moment before coming to my senses and taking a step back to put some much needed distance between us.

He appears a bit wounded as I start to walk off. “Let me check your house first.” He jogs a bit to catch up and reaches my front door before I can. When we get my front door open, all appears as it should. Tate quickly checks each room before coming out to stand in front of me in the living room. “It’s clear but I don’t like this. He could come back at any time.” His brows furrow.

“Tate, I think you scared him off by being here. He hasn’t even tried to text me like he normally does. I think he took the hint.” I lie. I know in my heart he’s coming back for me. It’sthe whenI don’t know.

Tate stares at me like he knows I’m lying, but he doesn’t call me out. “If you need anything, anything at all, you call me.”

I nod. “I will. And thanks again for—well, everything.” He smiles briefly before turning and walking out my front door. After he leaves, an emptiness settles in my heart, and I rub my chest as if I can fight the ache.Ding.