Hawk stares at me with an arched eyebrow. “You all right, man? You know you ride like that when something’s on your mind.” He looks at me through worried, knowing eyes. Am I that obvious?

“Nah, I’m good. Thanks.” I try to appease him, not very convincingly. Everyone knows I may be a little quiet at times but I’m constantly joking around.Masking the truth behind what I carry in my heart.Hawk doesn’t believe me, I can tell, but he does me the courtesy of not calling me out on the lie. Instead, he smiles and says, “All right, I’m heading out for the night.” He walks to his dark blue pick-up after I wave him off. Then I hear Sterling pull up. He gets out and makes his way to me as I’m re-checking the horses in the stable.

“Hey brother, you hear from Ivie yet?” I ask.

“Yeah, she sent me a text last night asking about the flowers.” He grins puckishly. “I hope that’s a good sign. But now she knows your secret.” Sterling chuckles. My head snaps up and I stare at him blankly. His smile falls. “Woah, you okay, Tate?”

“Yeah, I’m fine, just have stuff on my mind.” Sterling doesn’t push me, but he’s got my back. He knows I’ll talk when I’m ready. “You want to grab dinner?” he asks encouragingly.

“Um, maybe another time. I have plans tonight,” I answer quietly. He stares at me for a second, with his classic furrowed brows, concern evident in his features. “Okay. You know I’m here.” He steps forward and claps me on the shoulder.

“I know. Thanks.” He gives me one more glance before smiling and heading to his front porch.

I make my way back to the four-wheeler and jump on, crank it up and ride back to my house. When I walk in, I’m greeted by the savory smell of tomato sauce and garlic. Lucy is pulling something out of my oven as Rocky sits patiently by the table. His tail thumps when he sees me. He greets me and Lucy turns to me, smiling. Her smile alone takes my breath away. “I hope you don’t mind. I thought I’d return the favor and cook dinner for you. I made spaghetti and garlic bread. It’s not much, but you had all the ingredients I needed.” She blushes as she peers at me through dark lashes while plating the food.

“It smells amazing. Thank you. I’m going to wash up, I’ll be right back.” I wink at her as I walk down the hall to my room and through to my bathroom. I quickly hop in the shower, washing off the day’s sweat and dirt. I’m back in the kitchen in five minutes, wearing gym shorts and a T-shirt that’s seen better days with the sleeves cut off, but it’s a favorite.

Her eyes rake down my body and back up before meeting my eyes again, and her cheeks turn a pretty shade of pink. “It’s ready,” she says breathlessly.

After dinner, we clean up the kitchen and Lucy appears unsure of what to do or say next. “Can I get you a drink? I’ve got beer and tea. And of course, coffee. I might even have some hot cocoa if you’re lucky.” I wink again and a grin slips from her otherwise poised demeanor.

“Uh, no thanks, I’m fine. I need to get back to my house, Tate. It was nice of you to let me stay here last night and today, but I need to go back,” she says with steel in her spine.

“Lucy, I don’t think that’s a good idea. Like you said, no one knows you’re here, so you’re safe. At least stay a few more days. If you want me to take you to get your car, we can, but I think it’s safer for you here… for now.” I can’t let her go back to her house knowing Taylor will come back—and he will. Guys like him always do.

She’s about to argue but I see the fight in her fading. She’s had to be strong for so long, alone. She’s exhausted. I don’t care if I can’t ever bewithher, I’m going to protect her… be her safe place. I can do that. If she’ll let me. Today was a start. She told me what happened.

She stares at me penetratingly, trying to see through to my soul, it’s how it feels anyway. “Fine, a few more days. And we can get my car tomorrow. It’s already after dinner and you’re in…” She lets her words trail off and turns away, rubbing her arms, cheeks pink tinged again. I smirk. It would seem I’m not the only one affected here.

“You want to watch a movie or something?” I ask, sitting on the couch this time instead of my recliner, foolishly hoping she’ll sit beside me. She gazes at me longingly and to my surprise, takes the seat I hoped she would. I flip on the TV and hand her the remote.

She smiles and starts browsing the channels before landing on one. “Oh, I love this movie! I haven’t seen it in a long time!” she says excitedly. I can’t help but smile at her.

“What is it?” I ask.

She turns on me in heartbeat, mouth slightly open in disbelief. “You’ve never seenHow to Lose a Guy in Ten Days?”

I laugh at her. “Iama guy, remember? Most of us don’t do movies that aren’t action-packed.”

She narrows her eyes. “Well Tate, prepare to watch one of my favorite romantic comedies.” I make some popcorn while she grabs a couple drinks, and we settle in for our own movie night.

Once the movie ends, she turns to me smiling. “Well? What’d you think?” I can’t help but return her smile. It’s one of the most beautiful smiles I’ve ever seen—it’s contagious.

“I really liked it.” I admit.

“Good, I’ll be here all week to give you more movie recommendations.” She laughs before realizing what she said. Her smile drops. I lean forward and take her hand.

“Hey, don’t. Don’t get sad on me now. You’ve been so carefree tonight. You have a beautiful smile, don’t hide it.”

She drops her eyes to her hands in her lap and I gently turn her face up to look at me. She chews on her bottom lip, as if making a silent decision. “Can I show you something?” she asks.

“Anything.” She stands, eyes still turned down, and starts to unbutton her jeans. I stiffen and blurt out, “Wait, what are you…”

She abruptly looks up and her eyes are shimmering with unshed tears. “It’s not what you think, Tate. Since I told you what he did, I wanted to show you—I need to finally show someone.”

I swallow and nod, without taking my eyes off hers. She shimmies her jeans down and reaches for the hem of her shirt. She lifts it over her head, leaving her standing in only her black bra and panties.This woman. This beautiful, strong woman is baring herself to me, and it’s not about the physical element of it, but the emotional one. My eyes still haven’t left hers, afraid of what I’ll see—of what I’ll feel.

She lets a tear escape down her cheek. “You can look, Tate. I trust you.” I clench my teeth and my eyes start to trail down her gorgeous body. Her left side is bruised in several places, probably from the impact of being thrown across the room and into her vanity. Her shoulder is bruised too. I let my eyes fall lower to her thighs and there they are, the marks where he forced her legs open with his hands. All the bruises are fading but still visible. I drag my eyes back up to her beautiful face and the emerald windows to her soul are filled with sadness.