“What the fuck, Lucy?” I start toward her, but she recoils and runs back to the bedroom, slamming the door behind her. “Shit.” I run my hand over my face, stopping in my tracks, blinking at the realization of what I just saw. Rocky reappears and instead of going to his food bowl, he stops at Lucy’s door.

I walk to her door and knock. “Lucy, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. Can you open the door?” My heart cracks a little thinking I scared her after all she’s been through.

“I’ll be out in a few minutes, okay?” I hear the sadness in her voice.

“Okay. I’m going to fix breakfast. Take your time.” I don’t wait for an answer, I just head to the kitchen and try to refrain from leaving and hunting Taylor downright now.

Ithrow my hand over my mouth as I lean on the locked bedroom door. How could I be so stupid? He saw the bruises. Now he’ll keep pushing for the truth. I’ve kept it hidden for so long; how did I slip up? I know how. I let myself believe, even for a second, I am safe, and my life is normal. But it’s not. It’s anything but. I lowered my guard briefly and it bit me.

After I’m sure Tate isn’t breaking down the door, I head to the closet and put on my favorite skinny jeans and purple, long-sleeved shirt with my pearl and leather choker, then brush out my wavy hair. I pull it into a ponytail as I slide on my shoes. I check myself in the mirror before deciding to face him. Still no point in make up so I call it good.

When I walk into the kitchen, Tate already has food plated and is waiting on me, sipping his coffee. He looks up as I approach. “I made scrambled eggs and toast. It’s not much but I hope it’s okay.”

“That’s fine, thank you.” I take the seat across from him where my plate sits. He studies me for a few seconds before picking up his fork. I do too, and we eat in silence. Once we’re done, I stand and start clearing the table.

“You don’t have to clean.” He slides up behind me at the sink but doesn’t touch me.

I don’t turn, I just keep washing our dishes. “I’m almost done, and you cooked. It’s only fair.”

He leans in close to my ear and says quietly, “We need to talk, Lucy.” I squeeze my eyes shut to push out the emotion building in my chest. I know he won’t take no for an answer, not now, not after what he saw. I don’t speak, only nod, hoping he’ll give me a few more minutes.

He heads into his living room and when I finish the dishes, I dry my hands and follow. He’s sitting in a recliner, and I take a seat on the couch facing him again in his cozy space. This man, this frustrating man, always makes me face him.And now he’s making me face the truth—the truth I’ve been hiding.

We sit in silence for a few seconds before he says, “Start from the beginning.” I send him a look meant to cut, but who am I kidding? He’s only trying to help and he’s getting under my skin.

“Taylor and I started dating our senior year of high school. His family is one of the wealthiest here in Greendale Valley. I’m sure you’ve figured that out by now. He started out sweet and charming. I couldn’t believe he wanted me—he noticed me. Then after a while, he started telling me what to do, and what I could and couldn’t do. He even told me what I was allowed to wear. He was so jealous of any other guy even looking at me. It was little things at first.” I let out a nervous breath before continuing.

“One day, a guy asked me out who was a little older than us. He was a friend that had been away at college and didn’t know I was seeing someone. Taylor searched my phone and saw the messages because…well who knows why he wanted to go through my phone. I told the guy I was flattered but seeing someone. It didn’t matter. It set Taylor off. It was the first time he hit me. By then, I was already in love with him. This was a year in. He apologized and promised it wouldn’t happen again, and I believed him. He was fine for a few months, but then he started following my every move which should’ve been a clue he was cheating on me. The guilty party is the one who likes to throw accusations.” I look up to make sure Tate is still there; he’s so quiet, but he’s listening intently.

“Anyway, he saw me talking to some guys and girls I was friends with from college and went nuts. That was the second time and also when I told him I was done. He begged me to stay and I did against my better judgement. I decided to give him one more chance, but this timeI followed him. Sure enough, he was cheating on me. When I threw it in his face and told him it was over, he hurt me pretty bad and told me it’d never be over, I was his. I belonged to him, always.” I feel tears rolling down my face.

“This has been going on since then. He told me no one would believe me if I told because of who he is and who is family is. He said he’d ruin me, everything about me. So, this has been the cycle for several years now. But the last few months, he’s left me alone more. I was hoping he was finally losing interest. And maybe he was, until he saw me with you.”

I glance up and meet Tate’s stare as he slides forward to the edge of his seat, elbows propped on his knees and hands clasped. “And what exactly did he do after he saw you with me?”

“He was at my house waiting the next morning. Let’s just say he left bruises on my arms and… ribs.” I sneak a peek at Tate again and see his nostrils flaring.

“And then?”

“Then he came back the night before Rhett’s party and…” I dig my nails into my palms while closing my eyes. I feel Tate’s calloused hands take mine. “He said he was there to take what was his. He called me a slut and ripped my shirt. He…he was going to…he was going to force himself on me. He’s never taken it that far. He’s never hit me where it could be seen, either. He was so drunk.” I’m shaking now, recalling the memory.

“Don’t make excuses for him, Lucy. Drunk or not, a man doesn’t hit a woman or try to rape her. Period.” He’s speaking through clenched teeth. “How’d you get the cut at your hairline?”

I don’t know whether to look at him or not, but I do. “I spit in his face and he…he um, he grabbed me and threw me into my vanity.” Tate’s eyes are blazing with fury.

He blinks a few times and some of the tension seems to melt out of his shoulders. He stands, still holding my hand. “I need to take a walk. I don’t want to scare you after all you’ve been through. I wouldn’t lay hand on you, you have to know I wouldn’t, but I need to calm down because all I want to do is find him and make him regret ever laying a hand on you. I need to check on the ranch anyway.” I simply nod. I know it’s a lot to take in.

“Please, stay here and rest. I’ll be back soon.” He leans down and presses a chaste kiss to the top of my head and leaves without another word. Rocky’s at my feet.

“Well, boy, there’s no putting the genie back in the bottle now is there?” Rocky tilts his head at me.Nope, no hiding the truth now.

Ican’t believe what I just heard. I jump on the four-wheeler and make my way around the fences, checking them all before finally heading up to the barn and stables. The sun’s starting to set when I reach them, meaning I’ve ridden around the entire property for hours. When I pull up, Hawk is getting ready to leave, but he always checks in with me first.

He’s tall with black hair and a beard he keeps trimmed. He has tattoos on both arms, and women seem to melt at his feet. He has that mysterious bad boy charm going for him. He’s older than me and Sterling both. He went to college and when he came back home, something had happened to him. I’m not entirely sure what his degree is in. But he wanted a fresh start and honest, hard work. He’s like me in a way—he’s ano strings attachedguy. Guilt pinches my heart as Lucy’s image floats through my mind.

“Hey Hawk, everything run smoothly today?” I ask after swinging a leg over the four-wheeler and jumping off, sliding my gloves in my back pocket to shake his hand. “Yeah man. Nothing to worry about. I had to take one of the newest calves to the vet earlier, but everything is fine, already brought him back home. It was the one we had to pull the other day.”

“Okay, good. Sorry I wasn’t around much. I was checking fences.”