Once he takes me in head to toe, his icy blue eyes land on mine. “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, Lucy.”

My cheeks heat with his words but I don’t let it stop me from standing here with more confidence than I ever remember having. I’ve missed him and everyone I love in Greendale Valley, but being away, even for the few short weeks I have, has given me back pieces of myself I had no idea I was missing.

“I’m baring myself to you, completely vulnerable, Tate. I’m laying my body and my heart at your feet. After all the heartache I’ve been through, I still had room in my heart to fall for you…my heart choseyou. What are you going to do with it?” I ask hearing the slight tremble in my own voice.

He sheds his flannel shirt and then reaches behind him to pull the undershirt he had on, up and over his head, then tosses it to the floor. He kicks his shoes off and unbuttons his pants without taking his eyes off mine. I hear his zipper hiss as he lowers it and hooks his fingers in his pants pushing them down and taking his boxers with them. He steps out of his discarded jeans and walks closer to me, keeping a slight distance so I can take in his perfectly chiseled body.

He’s toned in all the right places, and it makes my mouth water wanting to taste him. Even more, the sight of him like this, sends a message to my heart. He’s baring himself to me, the same way I am to him. He moves closer, staring into my eyes so intently I feel like I’m being hypnotized by his clear baby blues. When he reaches out to lift my chin up to him, everything else stops. Nothing exists but him and me in this moment.

“Lucy, this is me being vulnerable for you. I haven’t felt this way about anyone. I never wanted to risk getting my heart broken for a woman. I haven’t cared enough to fix the issues that have been holding me back from love until I met you. From the moment you walked into Sterling’s house that night, I knew I had to know more, and then when we danced and I held you in my arms, nothing has ever felt more right.” He pauses to kiss my face right beside my ear and then the tip of my nose.

“When I sensed there was more to your story than what you would tell, I had to learn the truth, and once I did, I’ve never wanted to protect someone so badly or try to make their pain go away like I do with you. If I could take it all from you, I’d risk breaking my own heart a thousand times over any day to keep yours from breaking ever again. I’ll admit, I was scared at first and I can’t promise I won’t mess up, but trying to pretend I don’t love you because I’m scared is like me trying not to breathe, and love, you’re my oxygen. There’s nothing I won’t risk or face to love you—and to make sure you feel my love.”

The tears stinging my eyes spill over as he claims my lips once more. He gently pushes me back on the bed and joins me, sliding my legs apart with his knee, then he finds my center with his hand before lining up to enter me. He slowly slides in until I’ve taken him in completely, but instead of moving he stays in this position, both of us searching the other’s soul. He starts to move slowly as I grip the comforter to ground myself. He takes my hand and brings it to his lips, kissing it, before putting it slightly above my head and linking his fingers with mine.

The pressure is already building at my center as we continue to move together. He kisses me so gently from my face to my lips to my neck. I can feel his movements become more erratic as he gets closer. He stares straight into my eyes and it’s as if I feel his soul reaching for mine when he says, “I love you, Lucy.”

The veins in his neck bulge as he lets out a low growl, pushing me over the edge into ecstasy with him as he empties himself inside me. Once our hearts stop racing and our breathing returns to normal, I reach up and touch his face with both hands, feeling the stubble beneath my fingertips. “I love you, Tate Marks.” He smiles like a man who just realized he has the world in his hands. I bring his face to mine and kiss him like I haven’t kissed a man before.

For the first time in a long time, I feel a blanket of serenity cover me and I know in my heart, even if he’s only been in my life for a few months, our love story is the real thing, and it’s only just begun. Now if we could only work out the kinks from my past, everything would be perfect. A shadow must pass over my features.

“Hey, where’d you go just now?” he asks, concern etching his face.

“Nowhere. I was thinking if Taylor would leave me alone for good, then everything would be perfect.” He says nothing, but his eyebrows slam together.

He gets up and helps me to stand too. We clean up and check on Rocky who is snoozing in the chair we left him in after we make sure the doors are locked and the system is armed. Once that’s done, we climb into bed together, facing each other with our hands joined in between us.

He says quietly but sternly, “I won’t let him hurt you…or come between us, I promise. We’ll figure it out together.” I nod, knowing he means it as I feel my eyelids get heavy. He kisses my hand. “We’ll talk more tomorrow.” I nod again feeling sleep start to pull me under. The only reason I do, is for once, I feel safe. I feel happy, even with all the uncertainty looming around every corner.

He leans closer, placing his lips to my forehead and then whispers, “Goodnight, love. I love you.”

I manage to whisper, “I love you too,” before drifting off to sleep with the man I love beside me.

I wake up to Rocky sitting on the floor patiently waiting for me to open my eyes. I feel Tate’s arms around me as my back is pressed against his chest and it’s the best feeling in the world. I turn my head to see if he’s still asleep. His eyes are closed but he says, “Good morning, beautiful.” He kisses the side of my head.

“Good morning yourself, handsome.” He chuckles lightheartedly.

“Rocky needs to go outside.” He stretches and groans a little. “But I’d rather stay right here with you.” I laugh as he gets up and pulls on his pants so he can let Rocky out.

“I’ll grab a quick shower while you take him out,” I say stretching as I stand. Tate’s eyes fall to my breasts, and I laugh as I walk past him to the attached bathroom.

I step under the hot spray, making quick work of my routine. As much as I’d love to disappear into Tate again, we need to talk. And not just about what he wants to tell me about his family, but I need to tell him about Taylor’s texts.

I finish in about five minutes and towel dry my hair after throwing on my favorite leggings and T-shirt. I moisturize my face and scrunch my hair with a little hair mouse to tame my wavy locks as it air dries, and last and most importantly, I brush my teeth before facing Tate again. Can’t kiss my man with morning breath.

Tate returns carrying an overnight bag as I exit the bathroom. “Do you want a shower too? I saved you some hot water I promise.” I grin as I walk closer to him. His eyes are drinking in all of me.

“I don’t think you realize how beautiful you truly are.” He places a soft kiss on my lips before heading for the shower himself.

“I’ll make some coffee while you shower.” I say over my shoulder and pad away before he can try to entice me to stay. This man is my weakness.

I laugh at myself as I get everything started. I grab some eggs and bread and take a glass, cutting out the center of the bread so I can makeeggs in a nestfor breakfast. It’s quick and easy. It’s also something Dad and I used to do when I was little. Rocky finishes eating from what appears to be a portable bowl and trots to the rug in front of the sink, happily taking up residence. I’m almost done with theeggs in a nestand the coffee is brewed when I hear Tate cut the water. A few minutes later, he appears in the kitchen with nothing but a pair of sweats hanging from his hips showcasing his abs and the “V” all women drool over. His blond hair is darker, still wet from his shower.

He smirks as he slides behind me, placing a kiss to my shoulder while he grips my hips. “You’re making it hard to decide what I should eat first, breakfast or you.” His tongue darts out and licks a trail up my neck and to my ear, causing chills to erupt over my body. I let my head fall back on his shoulder and close my eyes.

“As tempting as that is, we need to eat breakfast and talk,” I manage to get out in a voice still leaded with desire. He groans and squeezes my hips once more before kissing my shoulder again and sitting at the bar where the food is plated, and the coffee is waiting.

We both eat, making small talk with twinkling eyes at each other, knowing after we talk, he’ll make good on that little glimpse of pleasure from earlier.