Ihate Lucy was right…we need to talk. I need to tell her why I was—the way I was. And why, even if I’m all in, I may have times when I struggle. After we eat, we head back to the living room and she sits facing me, cross-legged.

“So where should we start? You said there were things you wanted to tell me,” she says expectantly.

“Yeah, I need you to know why I’ve kept my heart under lock and key for so long.” I hang my head for a second. I’ve forgiven Mom; we’re trying to give our relationship another chance, but it doesn’t mean my heart isn’t still wary and hesitant. Telling someone else about it is a huge step for me, but for Lucy, I’ll do anything.

“My mom is why I’ve been that way. She left when I was young and didn’t look back. I didn’t get any real answers as to why she left not just my dad, but me. Dad’s been dealt some…let’s just say not ideal hands at times. He didn’t handle things well. After Mom left, he fell in love with drinking. I fell in love with Valley B and the Brigg family.” I pause, debating on how much to reveal about my dad and the Briggs. But honestly, if I trust Lucy with my heart,and I do, then I can trust her with anything. Furthermore, if anyone might understand Dad’s situation, it’d be her.

“More on Dad in a minute, but with Mom, if my own mother could leave me and not look back, how could I trust any other woman to love me and to stay? I haven’t had any kind of closure until just recently. Before you left, I had Dad reach out to her so we could talk. I had to know why before I could give you my heart,” I say without facing Lucy, feeling a little ashamed when I say it out loud because Lucy isnotmy mother.

Lucy takes my hand in hers and brings it to her lips, placing a gentle kiss to my knuckles while a single tear overflows down her pretty face. If I thought I loved her before, it’s nothing compared to how much I love her now. My girl has the biggest heart of anyone I’ve ever known. It’s as if she feels my pain and wants to take it so she can shield me.

“Tate, I understand, and I don’t blame you. I know what it’s like in a sense with my dad, wellmy dad’splural.”

I put my hand over hers. Of course she knows. The man she thought was her dad left her when he found out she wasn’t his and her real dad only recently stepped up, whether his reason was understandable or not. I couldn’t have done what either of her dad’s did. Even if she wasn’t my blood, I would’ve stayed and kept things the same for her. And as for her real dad stepping aside to not break up their families, I get it in a sense, but I still couldn’t have let my little girl grow up without me in her life. But I guess that’s the difference in me and them. I know they’re both trying now, so I guess that’s what counts.Much like my family is trying now.

“I know you do, love. Probably better than anyone else. I’ve talked with my mom. We talked about a lot of things. Long story short, we’re working on our relationship. My dad is sober and has been for months. When Mom came back, she also shared I have a sister. I admit that part is messed up—not knowing about her—but we’re getting to know each other too. That’s who you heard on the phone when you called.”

Lucy’s mouth is slightly open, absorbing what I said about my sister I assume, because that tidbit is a bombshell.

“Oh wow. That’s a lot, Tate.” I nod and press my lips together. “There’s more.”

“More?” she asks, eyes widening in surprise.

“The stuff with my dad, he found out, much like you, his dad wasn’t his dad. Grady Brigg is his father, which is Sterling’s grandad…my grandad.” I run my free hand over my eyes as tears sting them thinking about Grady. I’m still worried how Sterling and Briella will react when they find out.

“Does Sterling know?” is the first thing out of Lucy’s mouth as she stares at me through kind eyes.

“Not yet. My dad hasn’t told Foster yet—Foster is Sterling’s dad—that they’re brothers. It’s weird but Grady was leaving it up to my dad when he was ready. He’s going to do it soon. And before he does, I’m going to tell Sterling and Briella, so they aren’t completely shocked. But I dread it. Carrying this secret feels so heavy, I don’t want to lose them because I hid the truth from them for so long.”

Lucy crawls in my lap and straddles me, making me look her in the eye. “They couldn’t hate you, even I know that. You’re already family to them, blood or not. This just makes it official.” She kisses my nose and lifts some of the weight with her words.

I wrap my arms around her and lean into her, breathing in her sweet scent. A few minutes pass and I ask the question that’s been burning in my mind. “Why did you call me last night anyway?”

She stiffens in my arms. “Don’t hold back, love. You can tell me anything.”

She pulls back so she can meet my eyes. She takes a deep breath and squeezes her eyes shut. “He found me.”

Now it’s my turn to stiffen. “What do you mean? Where is he?”

“I met with Sterling in Franklin to help pick out Ivie’s engagement ring and he sent me a text letting me know he was watching me, or someone was and was reporting back. Hard to tell with him. He told me he’d always find me. I left and drove a different way here and made sure I wasn’t followed before coming back.” She shivers in my arms as her lower lip trembles.

“I thought he’d forget me if I left and stayed gone for long enough, but after that message, I don’t think he will. I was calling to tell you about it,” she admits in defeat.

“I don’t like this. You need to come back home with me. In fact, I’m not leaving without you. I want you to stay with me. I’ll keep you safe until we can figure out what to do next. And who knows, maybe you’ll end up staying with me for good.” I can’t help but wink even at a time like this.

She lets out a strangled laugh as if she doesn’t know if she should laugh or cry. “Okay, I’ll come back with you on one condition.”

“What’s that?” I ask anxiously. I’ll agree to almost anything to get her to come home with me and stay this time.

“We stay here today and pretend nothing else matters. We can make love all day and be lazy and then,” she kisses my lips seductively, nipping my bottom one gently, “we can head home in the morning.”

I smile. “That’s the easiest condition I’ve ever heard. You got it, love.” She lifts her shirt over her head offering herself to me as I take full advantage like the starving man I am. A man starving for what only she can give me…herbody,herheart, andherlove.

We spent the day and the night wrapped up in each other’s arms, naked and satisfied, until we had to eat or take Rocky out. We talked about everything and nothing. We watched movies and vegged out. We said I love you and showed it in as many ways as we could come up with. It was the best day and night I’ve had in a long time.

When morning came again, we didn’t rush, but we didn’t waste time. We packed my stuff and got ready to leave.

As I walk through the house one more time to make sure I didn’t leave anything, I feel that familiar soreness between my legs and smile as heat crawls up my cheeks remembering our love making yesterday and last night.