Page 32 of Tisak

Once shifted to his winged form, he pushed a few pillows behind his back, accommodating his shifted body, then settled back without releasing me from his lap. His wings came around, encircling us as he held me tighter to him.

“Sleep now, baby. You need your rest,” he murmured.

I ran my fingertips lightly over one leathery wing, then glanced at him. “Won’t you be uncomfortable? I weigh as much as you do.”

He smirked. “Your ass isn’t that big, tiger.” He tapped said ass, and I snorted. But he did spread his legs so I was more in between his thighs and not squishing him too badly, at least I hoped not. Although, I couldn’t imagine he was comfortable in this position, having to lean back on his wings with my extra body weight on top of him.

I’d move, but his arms were steel bands around me. I wiggled a little, and he tightened his hold on me again, moving his lips closer to my ear and speaking so quietly I could barely hear him. “I’m not ready to let you go, Nica. It’s been… a long few days. Indulge me.”

Sometimes Wey was unintentionally sweet, and it only made me love him more. I settled into him, kissed the dark gray plates on his neck, then rested my cheek against his hard chest.

My heart was heavy in my chest, but knowing Wey had stayed behind for me soothed something inside me. He could’ve so easily gone after them. I could’ve woken up completely alone, but Wey was here. With me.

A tear rolled down my cheek as the ache for my little bird rushed forward. I didn’t understand why he’d left me—us. Why hadn’t he waited? We could’ve all gone together.

We were a family. We were supposed to be together.

Wey’s fingers went into my hair, playing with the strands there, and all I wanted to do was close my eyes, sleep, and forget this day ever happened. But I couldn’t because it had happened, and my little bird was gone.

We had no idea where. His letter hadn’t been detailed enough. He could be in any of the kingdoms or anywhere inside the huge expanse of the Enchanted Forest. There was no way of knowing. There was no way of contacting him. There was no way to know for sure if he was safe or if he’d ever return to us.

A few more stray tears fell down my cheeks, and Wey wiped them away before petting my hair again.

He kissed my forehead. “Sleep, Nica. I’ll be right here when you wake, I promise.”

I hadn’t realized how much I’d needed to hear that. A deep-seated fear had encased itself in my chest, afraid that if I closed my eyes, the next time I woke, Wey would be missing from my life as well.

“You better keep that promise,” I whispered.

“I will never break my promises to you. You know that.”

And I did.

So I closed my eyes and willed myself to sleep. My body hurt, although my heart ached worse than anything, and I knew I needed the rest to regain my strength.

Enclosed in Wey’s embrace with his wings wrapped around us, making our own little cocoon of safety, I slept.



Cool marble cradled the soles of my bare feet as I made my way down the hall. A light breeze swept in through tall narrow windows, spreading the scent of earth and herbs from the kitchen’s gardens. Mother’s favorite was the rosemary.

Reaching the door, I lifted my hand to push it open. Swinging open without a creak, the door rested against the wall, revealing a large room. The bed was in the corner, big and luxurious with numerous pillows and fine silk sheets. Bright, woven rugs covered the floor. Expensive knickknacks decorated every surface. Every basic need was thoroughly met—from the recessed bath in the smaller adjoining room to the large wardrobe filled with every color of fashionable dresses.

The room was a prison all the same.

“Florin?” Her voice was sweet, melodic, and it raised an ache so deep in my chest that I lifted my hand to rub against my breastbone, trying in vain to soothe it. “Won’t you come sit with me, dear?”

“Yes, Mother.” Keeping my eyes on my feet, I walked to the bed where she was lounging back against her collection of pillows.

“Won’t you look at me, Florin?”

Sweat gathered at the base of my spine, even as goosebumps spread down my arms. I didn’t want to look, but I couldn’t remember why.

“Look at me, Florin.”

Lifting my chin, I brought my gaze up to my mother. For an instant, she appeared to me as she had for most of the short time I’d had with her—beautiful with smooth golden skin and blonde hair so pale and fine it shone silver in the sunlight.