Page 31 of Tisak

“He found the letter and went after them. He caught up to them. Seph helped me track, and we found their scents lingering together. He’ll… he’ll keep them safe.”

I nodded and wiped at the tears that threatened to fall already, then read the letter.

“My dearest Nica,Wey, and Braz,

First of all, I want you to know how much I love you, all three of you. I love you more than I ever thought possible. More than I’ve ever deserved.

Secondly, Nica. My sweet tiger. I’m so very sorry for what I did. You have no idea how much it breaks my heart knowing I hurt you. I don’t deserve to be forgiven. I certainly won’t forgive myself, but I hope you know I never meant to hurt you. Words aren’t enough to express how truly sorry I am.

This is why I need to go. I’m a danger to everyone I love. Florin knows of a place we can go. A place that can help me with my magic.

I’m going to train and learn how to control this chaos inside me. Once I have control, maybe I can help fight this war we’re entangled in. Once I have control, I’ll be able to keep you safe from myself and from anyone who tries to hurt you.

Wey, Braz, Nica. Please keep each other safe. I don’t have to tell you that—I know you will. You’ve been keeping each other safe for years before I came into your lives. As Nica always says, we’re family. We will always be family.

This isn’t a farewell, not really. I’ll see you again soon, and when I return, I’ll no longer be a threat to you. I’m so sorry for all the hurt I’ve caused. I have no idea how I’ll make it up to you, but I promise I’ll try.

Until we meet again.

With everlasting love,

Your Theon”

Tears were falling freely,and I could hardly speak, but I finished with, “Braz added a note at the bottom.”

“I’ll findthem and keep them safe. Stay strong, my friends.


I droppedthe letter as a loud sob tore from me. Strong arms wrapped around me as Wey climbed onto the bed and pulled me to his chest. He was crying, too. Something I hadn’t thought I’d ever see. I clung to him as much as he clung to me, ignoring my sensitive skin.

How could Theon have done this? How could he leave without so much as a goodbye? How could he leave us here? I’d been injured and unconscious, and he’d… left. Was he so uncaring that he didn’t bother to see if I healed? And worse, he’d left Weylyn here, all alone. He’d left my gargoyle here to deal with me being injured and his family taken from him. Had he not cared to think of that? To think of how hard it would be for Wey to stand vigil over me all alone?

How could he be so selfish?

Another sob came out of me, and I turned in Wey’s arms to wrap myself around him, holding him to me, trying to comfort him. He’d been dealing with this all alone for days. My poor gargoyle.

We clung to each other for long moments, both of us crying out our pain.

After minutes or hours, he shifted us until I was in his lap, which wasn’t easy since I was as big as he was, but neither of us cared. I only wanted him close. I wanted him to know I was here. I wanted him to know how much I cared for him.

After I’d calmed a little, I whispered to him, “Thank you.”

“For what?” His voice came out sounding choked.

“For staying. For not leaving me behind.” That had to have been difficult for him. He could’ve gone after them, he could’ve tracked them through the forest, he could’ve caught up to them eventually, but he hadn’t.

He’d stayed. For me.

“I could never leave you behind, Nica.” He pressed a kiss to my hair. “I believe you’ve told me before that I’m stuck with you, no?”

I snorted out a watery laugh. “Yeah, but I didn’t realize you…”

“Silly tiger. I’m right where I belong.” He tilted my chin up and pressed a soft, lingering kiss to my lips, meeting my eyes. “I promise I won’t leave you behind, and I’d like to hear you say the same.”

The vulnerability in his voice made me swallow thickly. “I won’t leave you behind, either, Wey. I promise.”

With a small nod, he pecked my lips, then tucked my head back down to his chest. When he leaned forward so his back wasn’t pressed against anything, his body vibrated against me, and I felt his skin almost ripple. I’d seen Wey shift a million times before, but I’d never been touching him this way when he had. It felt… intimate.