Orwen was angry.
Truthfully, Orwen was almost always angry. It was his natural state of mind. But at the moment, he was even more pissed off than usual.
The reasons for his anger were numerous.
First and foremost was the throbbing pain in his cock where the feral omega had bitten him. Luckily, the bite had not done any permanent damage. It had not even broken the skin. But Source, it smarted something fierce.
As an alpha of the Central Ruins, Orwen had endured many battles. He had gone up against Outsiders, Farlanders, and even the wild creatures of the forests. His hardened body bore dozens of scars that testified to his status as a warrior and a hunter.
But never before had he been wounded on his cock.
And now the perpetrator of that injury was caught in Orwen’s clutches. The little nameless omega was still attached to the end of the leash which Orwen now held twisted around a heavy stick. All of the creature’s defiance had melted away into shivering, gape-mouthed fear.
The omega’s fear pleased Orwen.
It pleased him greatly.
Before this day was through, Orwen would teach this disobedient little female that she had every reason to fear him. He would make her feel the strength of his alpha body. He would make her scream and beg for mercy.
But the omega’s bite was not the only source of Orwen’s anger.
He was also pissed off at his pack leader, Ark. Orwen could hear him howling in the distance, asking for Orwen’s location. Orwen did not answer that call. He was too angry. Besides, the pack leader would find him soon enough by following his scent.
Why had Ark insisted on bringing this omega with them? She was a Farlander. She had to be. Ark tried to deny it, but what other explanation could there be for a feral omega wandering so far from the Source.
Orwen despised Farlanders.
He had good reason to despise them, and Ark knew it.
But more than anything else, Orwen was mad at himself. He was the one to blame for this situation. He was the one who had let his guard down around the omega. He was the one who had nearly let her escape back into the woods.
And worst of all, his body was reacting in unfortunate ways.
The sight of the terrified omega, naked and trembling in his grasp stirred his loins. The heady reek of her fear-sweat and her needy cunt sent Orwen’s hot blood rushing to his manhood. His balls throbbed with desire, and his bitten cock engorged and hoisted beneath his loincloth, dribbling clear sap, the harbinger of his seed.
His body actually wanted to mate with this…this Farlander.
His enemy.
Orwen was infuriated at his body for responding in that manner. There was no way he would ever give in to those urges.
So why did his hand drop to his hip, unfastening the knot of his loincloth?
There was a rustle of leaves as Ark came bursting out of the trees beside him. The pack leader had finally caught up. Ark tossed back his head to let loose a howl, and a moment later the youngster Leros came skidding to a halt on the other side. The dogs were with him, panting from the run.
Ark growled. “Orwen, what happened.”
“The omega almost escaped.”
“She bit me while I was pissing.”
“My cock.”