Page 17 of Stray Omega

Orwen chose to leave out some of the details of the story. Like the way the omega had tricked him into taking a swing at her, a ruse to get Orwen to smash the branch that held her leash.

The angry alpha stripped his loincloth away, leaving himself naked and exposed. His cock was hard as iron, and it jumped with his rapid pulse. The omega was still caught by his other hand, which gripped the stick and the coiled leash. He was holding the leash so high that the omega had to stand on her tiptoes to keep from choking.

“Orwen,” Ark said in a low voice. “You need to calm down, brother.”

“Fuck that. She fucking bit me.”

“Not too hard from the looks of it,” Ark chuckled. “Didn’t even draw blood.”

“Yeah, well, it fucking hurt. And now she’s going to pay.”

With a deft movement, Orwen spun the omega around, then yanked her back with the stick across her throat. His erect cock throbbed, drizzling precum over her soft naked ass.

“You can’t breed her,” Ark said. “Not here.”

“I’m not going to breed her. But I’m going to teach her a lesson she won’t soon forget. I’m going to put her in her place.”


But Orwen wasn’t listening. He was too overcome with rage. With a series of quick movements, he brought his wadded loincloth to the omega’s mouth. Out of reflex, she tried to bite him, as he expected she would. This time, however, Orwen was ready. Using both hands, he deftly wrapped the loincloth between the omega’s teeth and tied it tightly behind her head, gagging her with the strip of animal hide. The omega gave a muffled growl.

Next, keeping a tight hold on the branch and rolled-up leash, Orwen spun the omega so she was facing him again.

Now it was young Leros who spoke. “Orwen, don’t hurt her!”

“Shut up, kid.”

“He’s right,” Ark growled. “You mustn’t injure the omega. We need to take her back to the Central Ruins in one piece. We need to take her to the Source.”

Ah, but that was a different matter, wasn’t it?

Orwen would obey his pack leader’s command. He would not injure the omega. But that didn’t mean he couldn’t hurt her a little, so long as he did no permanent damage.

Earlier, when the omega had bitten him, Orwen had tried to kill her. That had seemed a reasonable reaction at the time. She had just chomped down his fucking cock after all. And of course, that’s exactly how the omega had expected him to react. She might be primitive and feral, but she was intelligent. She had tricked him into breaking the branch that held her, and she had nearly escaped because of it.

She was a clever girl.

That was just one more reason for Orwen to be pissed off.

He raked his eyes over the omega’s naked and struggling body, searching for the perfect place to punish her without actually breaking her.

There was her wild, unkempt hair, matted with leaves and sticks. He could yank on that, causing pain to her scalp. But somehow that seemed unsatisfying as a punishment in and of itself. Childish. The way a little alpha would tease a little omega.

He needed a punishment that would symbolize his dominance over her.

Her pretty face was out of the question, of course. Those delicate bones would cave beneath Orwen’s fist. Besides, he would never abuse an omega in that fashion, even if she was a filthy Farlander.

His eyes dropped to the flexing tendons of her neck. He could choke her. No. Too much risk of accidentally killing her in his fury.

Her breasts, then?

Now there was an idea. Those rounded lumps of flesh called to him. Sheened with sweat, they heaved up and down with the omega’s labored breathing. The pink nipples were hard as little pebbles.

But there were too many vital organs behind those breasts. Heart. Lungs.

Orwen was on the right track though.

He had an idea.