Page 227 of Nothing Above

“For you—”

“No, foryou. Everything I’ve done…has been to protectyou, rookie.”

My old nickname sounds better than I remember.

I don’t believe her reasoning, but I do believe she killed Cyrus. If anyone could’ve, it’s her.

“How’d you do it?”

She describes using the money she stole from his safe as a way to sneak in weapons, then shooting him in the head while he was getting his dick sucked.

“He didn’t see it coming?”

“He saw,” she says cryptically, before adding, “I was never going to let him near you or your family.”

“We weren’t yours to protect.”

Our eyes search each other’s until Lex whispers, “You were. You are.”

I shake my head. She never claimed me. Not once. She doesn’t claim anybody.

“You said—”

“Isaidwhat I had to in order to keep you safe. Ididwhat I had to in order to keep you safe.”

“Safe? Lex, I went to motherfucking prison!”

“For nothing!”

“For you!” I roar. “Foryourprotection!”

She tries to get up, and that same feeling takes over my body, making me grip her hips, keeping her where she is. I like having her near me. I like having her on me. I like having her.

“I did what I had to…” I stop myself. After I was already in custody, new evidence magically surfaced, leading to Kordin’s real accomplice, which was the woman I saw him talking to at Summit Enhancements, a goddamn graphic design company, not a vision clinic. They still got me on a slew of other bullshit though, including tampering with evidence, resisting arrest, disorderly conduct, and assaulting multiple officers.

I start again, this time with the truth. “I did what IthoughtI had to do to keep you safe. And I did it because Ithoughtyou were mine to protect.”

I loosen my hold on her because I don’t have her. I never did.

“I was. I am.”

“Everything that comes out of your mouth is a lie. I can’t trust anything you say.”

Determination in her features, she leans down, her hips gliding back to just above my cock.

Before her pussy can make contact, I catch her waist and hold her in place.

“Then trust my body. That’s what you used to do.”

I roll us over, but using my palms flat on the floor by her head, I keep myself suspended above her by several inches.

“Your body pulled off the worst betrayal of all.” I push to my feet in one smooth motion, then tower over her. She was fucking pregnant the whole time we were together and she didn’t tell me. She could’ve. I would’ve loved her even with that hollow’s baby in her. I would’ve loved…

Fuck this. I’m out of here. I don’t know what I thought I’d gain by coming here. It doesn’t matter what she says, how she tries to justify her actions or her words, I can never trust her again.


Fuck. My name. My actual fucking name on her lips. I remember when she would moan it, and at the cabin, when she screamed it.