Page 226 of Nothing Above

“How the fuck do you know that?”

“A friend.”

“Same friend that told me where I could find you?” I ask, already knowing the answer. She fucking set this up like she sets up everything. Lex never needed a tracker to know my moves, she orchestrated them all on her own. “You bribed another inmate to keep tabs on me? To feed me information?”

“Not just one,” she surprises me by saying. “Out of those thirteen fights, how many were you the agitator in?” She answers for me. “Thirteen. Do you want to know why nobody started fights with you? Why nobody retaliated against you after you attacked them or a member of their crew?”

“Because I—”

“No, becauseImade it so. I threatened retaliation against anyone who laid a finger on you and I had the numbers to enforce it.”

“You don’t know what it was like in there. Just because I was the first to throw a punch doesn’t mean I wasn’t constantly provoked. You can’t show weakness in lockup. None. Day one some asshole sat down next to me and took my roll. I brought my tray down on top of his head, then ate what was left of my disgusting brick of bread while making eye contact with anyone watching. Nobody touched my fucking food again, but I got into two more fights before the end of that day for similar shit. They test all the fresh meat, and I was no different.” While the other inmates might not have fucked with me physically, they fucked with me mentally.

Her voice sounds broken when she says, “I tried my fucking best.”

“Best at what?”

She pounds my chest. “Protecting you.”

Why the fuck would she do that? She has no reason. No one fucked me up more than Lex.

I bend down so I’m in her face to tell her, “You’re a fucking liar. Dishonesty and betrayal, remember?” And because I know the bed’s right behind her, I push her.

Her ass bounces onto the mattress as she glares up at me.

My eyes briefly lift to the skylight above the bed before I turn to leave. The first step I take touches the carpet, but the second one hits something much higher, and I tumble to the floor like a stack of bricks, my hands out in front of me catching the brunt of my weight.

Bitch tripped me.

Flipping over to my back, Lex is already coming down on top of me to straddle my stomach. We scramble with each other, neither of us getting a good grip on the other’s arms to gain the upper hand, then she leans down and kisses me. It’s just a quick peck, but it paralyzes the rest of my body. Except my cock. That’s been on the rise since she punched me and now it’s fucking throbbing at full mast.

“Stop fighting.”

I close my eyes and admit, “I can’t.”

“Then give me the chance to explain everything. Just…wait.”

Opening my eyes, I shout back, “I’ve been waiting! I’ve been fucking waiting!”

She continues peering down at me, her head cocked. “Whose fault is that?”

We both say, “Yours,” at the same time.

“You chose to act all by yourself. I didn’t tell you to send yourself to prison. I never would’ve told you to do that.”

“It was the only way to get Cyrus—”

“I killed Cyrus.”

Time stands still for at least a fucking minute. Over the years, there’ve been a number of rumors about how Cyrus Andeno died, ranging from suicide to execution by a rival to an FBI raid. In the back of my mind, I always wondered if it was Lex who took him out. Out of all the people that had reasons to, she had the most.

“You did?”



“Same night you robbed him.”