“I’m sorry. I’msorry. I know what I did to you seems unforgivable.”
Tapping the side of my fist on the doorjamb, I shake my head, and grit, “You don’t have a goddamn clue what you did to me.”
“I do. I know what I did to you because I did it to myself. It killed me to push you away. It fucking killed me, Reece. And now, I’m asking you… I’m begging you to stay, just a little bit longer, just until you hear why I had to anyway. After that, if you still want to leave… I’ll let you.”
Let me? Like she has that kind of power over me.
She does.
She did.
An entire war within me between past and present rages as I consider what to do.
Slowly, I turn around. Lex is on her knees now, her eyes pleading up at me.
She still does.
“Kordin had connections I knew nothing about until it was too late. The kind of connections that can make people disappear without a trace. Chief Matthew Hull, do you remember him? He was there when you got arrested.”
I give her a tense nod and she gets to her feet.
“Do you remember how Kordin was treated that day? How familiar the two of them seemed? How friendly they were with each other?”
Yeah, it pissed me off. What pissed me off more was how Kordin spoke to Lex.
Because she was always my main concern.
When that cop grabbed her, I lost it. I hit him with the fury I felt toward Kordin, toward everyone, toward everything.
Even while hating Lex I loved her enough to fuck anyone up that touched her.
Lex takes a couple hesitant steps toward me. “That night, after I shot Cyrus, Kordin caught me coming back into the house and became apoplectic. He…”
I almost take her in my arms, but make myself cross them over my chest instead. This is what Lex is best at, creating empathy. She’s a sculptor and her medium is other people’s emotions. She molds them to her own whims.
Straightening her spine, she says, “He got physical.”
My frown is instant and painful. The mark on her face. I knew it was from that motherfucker.
Goddamn it. Goddamn it! That piece of shit’s lucky he’s still locked up. I want to bury him alive.
“From the lack of charges at the Catskills’ hotel to me sneaking off in the middle of the night, he was convinced I was cheating on him.”
“He threatened to have Chief Hull do something to you.”
Her shoulders slump all over again. “Haven’t you been paying attention? He threatened to do something toyou. He threatened to make you disappear.”
I think about that. I think about everything, all the shit that went down back then.
“The cop outside your house while Kordin was in the hospital. That was his buddy’s doing, wasn’t it?”
She nods.
“So it was all a lie?”
“All of it. Everything…but us.”
“Not everything, Lex. You were pregnant with that—”