“So does that mean you’ve decided on one of the condos you viewed with Paulina?”
“I’ve looked at a few, but haven’t made a final decision.”
“You know how fast these things move. If you have your heart set on a place, you’ll have to snap it up quick.”
I set my phone in my lap and turn to her, my stomach churning with nerves. “Can I talk to friend Jess right now?”
She sets down her tablet and pulls off her glasses, tucking in the legs and setting them on the tablet. “What’s up?”
“I haven’t decided on a place yet because I’m waiting…to talk to Griffin.”
I see her processing the information, the moment her eyes widen in understanding.
“Emma—” she starts, but I cut her off.
“I didn’t tell you that he, that we, have become more than friends because I didn’t want to hear that it wasn’t a good idea. Griffin makes me feel so good about myself and our relationship. He cares about things I’m interested in. He shows up for me, like with the Kandi Kline interview. I’ve never felt as seen or as loved before like I do with him. I mean, he hasn’t said he loves me, but I think he might. I didn’t even realize love could feel this way. All my previous relationships I was so focused on the end goal, of getting married, that I wasn’t present for the actual relationship. I know that sounds corny, but you know what I mean. With Griffin, that’s never been an issue. We’re already married. And now, I can’t imagine him not in my life. I think I love him.”
Jess places her hand over mine.
“For the record, friend Jess and work Jess want the same thing for you. To be happy.” She presses her lips together. “That said, I don’t want to see you hurt. Do you think Griffin feels the same way?”
I swallow. “I think so. But I know it would be a huge ask for him to uproot his life and move here. That’s why I’m nervous. Even if he cares for me, it’s only been a few weeks. An intense few weeks, but still, is that enough time for him to want to change his entire life? For the woman he accidentally married in Vegas?”
“I don’t know.” She shakes her head slowly. She takes a deep breath in, then releases it. “I wasn’t going to say anything because I didn’t think it mattered, but if you have feelings for him, I think you need to know this.”
My heart thuds in my chest. “What is it?”
“You know how you offered Griffin compensation to come to New York, above the travel expenses you paid him for?”
“Yeah?” I prompt her to continue.
“And how he turned it down?”
I nod.
“The withdrawal went through. He cashed the check.”
My stomach lurches. “Really? When?”
“This morning.” She pulls up the account on the app. “The larger dollar amount initiated a notification. You might have gotten one, also.”
I don’t bother checking my phone. The evidence is right in front of me on Jess’s screen.
“Okay.” I take a breath, trying to process this information. Trying to not let it wash away all the good feelings I had a moment ago. “We offered him the money with the idea that he’d take it. That it would be compensation for his time and having to postpone the start of his job, an incentive to come to New York, and even if he originally turned it down, he still has a right to the money.”
“That’s true.” Jess nods. “I don’t know why he changed his mind. Maybe you can ask him about it?”
It sounds simple. Talk to him and find out. But what if I’ve let myself imagine a life with Griffin and he doesn’t feel the same way? I try not to think about that outcome, but I already know the answer. I’ll be devastated.
* * *
After my workout, I showered, then continued my research on the process for a licensed attorney in Nevada to become licensed in New York. Nevada is one of the few states that New York doesn’t have reciprocity with, so it’s not an easy process, but it’s one I’m willing to work through to be here with Emma.
Next to the grant repayment issue, having this process ironed out, knowing that there is a path forward for my career and my life here with Emma, releases the knot of tension in my stomach.
I call Sophie, and then Terrence to tell them about my bar exam results. Sophie is ecstatic, telling me we’ll have to celebrate when I get home.Home.It’s been a little over two weeks since I left our apartment in Henderson, but the thought of living there again feels foreign.