Page 116 of Unexpectedly Mine

“There’s something I wanted to talk to you about,” I say.

“Okay. What is it?” she asks, as she selects a dress and takes it off the hanger.

“I wanted to talk to you about our arrangement.”

“Our arrangement?” Her voice is muffled as her head disappears into her dress. She manages to get her head and arms through without letting go of her phone. While she’s slipping her feet into a pair of heels, her phone buzzes and she looks down to check the message.

“Sorry, Jess is texting me. What were you saying?”

While I’m eager to talk to Emma, to get on the same page with what has been going on between us the last few weeks, I can see that now is not the time. When I tell Emma that I want her to be my wife for real, that I want to stay in New York and build a life with her here, I don’t want to be interrupted by a buzzing phone.

“You have to go. We can talk later.”

“Okay. That sounds good.” With the slightest hesitation, she adds, “I actually have something I want to discuss with you, too.”

My hands reach up to cup her face and I press my lips to hers. It’s a sweet kiss because I know she needs to leave.

“I’ll be back after lunch. We’ll talk then.”

She’s halfway through the door when she skitters to a stop and returns to me.

“One more for luck.” Emma reaches up on her toes and presses her lips to mine. My arms ache to wrap around her and keep her here with me.

“I l—I’ll see you later.” I catch myself before I let those three words escape.

When Emma’s gone, I settle into the workspace that I’ve set up at her desk to check my email. I scan my inbox, zeroing in on the one that I’ve been waiting to hear back from. It’s from the State of Nevada higher education grants division.

I scan through the email, the recap of the terms I agreed to when I signed it four years ago. If I fail to find employment in the State of Nevada by one year after my graduation date, then I must pay back the granted money from my first year, in full. I keep scanning. The due date is a week from today. My eyes land on the number in bold print. Ten thousand, five hundred dollars. The blood drains out of my face.

Fuck. I take a moment to process before I can start working on a solution.

The grant didn’t cover my full tuition, but it was enough of an incentive to agree to the terms. And, when I agreed to the grant program, I had zero thoughts of leaving Nevada. Now, if I want to move to New York to be with Emma, I’ll need to start paying back the grant money.

I immediately check my bank account. Paying it in full would wipe out my savings. And I know that Sophie has a final tuition payment due at the end of the semester. She’ll need to pay off her balance in order to collect her diploma.

With my fingers linked behind my head, I lean back in the chair and think. I used the cash Rita and the guys pooled together to pay for my suit. Maybe I should have let Emma pay for it. That extra five hundred dollars would be helpful right now.

That’s when I remember the check in my wallet. The check Jess wrote me in Vegas when Emma offered me compensation for coming to New York. I’d told her I didn’t think it was necessary, but Jess insisted I keep the check. For incidentals.

The five-thousand-dollar check doesn’t cover the amount I need, but it’s a start. I should be able to cover the rest with my savings and with my last paycheck from the revue be able to cover Sophie’s final tuition payment. I sign the back of the check and do a mobile deposit to my account. The check will process in time to make the payment and I’ll be able to talk to Emma about everything later today.

The thought of revealing my feelings to Emma this afternoon makes my pulse quicken.

I decide a workout will help with my nervous energy; I change then head out to the gym, eagerly anticipating my conversation with Emma.



After the meeting with Bergman’s supplier, Jess and I share a black car back to the office.

“What are you—” I try to move my phone, but she sees the screen before I can lock it. “Are you looking at bedroom furniture right now?”

“Maybe,” I say, trying to not sound as guilty as I feel. I should be paying attention to her notes from the meeting, but I’m scrolling through bedroom set options that would fit best in my top two condo choices. While Jess is discussing markup and gross profit, I’m imagining making a home with Griffin in our new condo. The furniture we would pick out together. Finally opening the gifts we were given at our wedding shower. Griffin, shirtless and sweaty from carrying boxes, dragging me into our new bedroom for the first time.

Sex. We haven’t done that yet, but I already know it will be good. Better than good. Phenomenal. I’m trying to be patient because I know Griffin hasn’t had sex in a long time. I’m waiting for him to be ready. I hope it’s soon or I might spontaneously combust with need.

I take a deep breath, trying to not get carried away by the excitement of it all.