Page 39 of Always & Forever

“I’ve just been self-conscious about my body after the babies. I know it’s all part of the process but I don’t feel beautiful right now. And so it’s hard to imagine that you want to have sex with me.”

“Lex,” Blake was crying now too, “stop that. You are the most beautiful woman in the world to me. Nothing—and I meannothing—will ever change that.”

Opening her robe, Blake pushed it off her shoulders and moved her hands slowly down towards Alexis’s hips. When her hand moved toward her stomach, she could see the way Alexis wanted to pull away. But Blake wasn't going to let her.

“Your body has carried our three beautiful babies. There isnothingmore beautiful than that. And that’s all I see when I look at you. My beautiful wife; the beautiful mother of my children.”


“I love you, Alexis. Always. And I cannotwaitto get my hands on you again. Believe me when I say I have dreamed about having sex with you again and it’s killing me to wait.”

Alexis’s smile made its way through her earlier sadness. “It’s killing me too.”

“Promise me something?”


“If you ever feel that feeling bubbling up again, you’ll talk to me and let me show you how much I love you.”

“I can do that.”

“Good.” Blake leaned in and kissed her. She would have kissed her longer if Archer hadn’t started to cry. “I’ll get him. You get comfortable on the couch and I’ll bring him to you.”

“Thanks, babe.”

Heading back to the bedroom, Blake scooped Archer up in her arms and cradled him against her chest. He seemed to know the position and tried to suckle on her through her shirt.

“Listen, buddy, mine don’t work. But here’s Mommy. Her boobs work.”

She carefully handed Archer to Alexis as she began to nurse him. Blake could watch the twins nurse all day. It was fascinating to her that Alexis’s body kept them alive after delivery. Alexis caught her staring and laughed.


“Add this,” she gestured toward them, “to the reasons I think you’re beautiful.”

“Stop it.”

“I’m serious. You’re amazing.”

After Reese woke up a few minutes later, Blake fed her a bottle before burping, changing, and putting the twins back down for a nap. Babies slepta lotmore than Blake ever realized. But that at least gave them time to recuperate.

“What are you doing today?”

“Same thing I’ve done every day since we brought them home, I guess.”

“Why don’t you and Sophia go out to lunch or something? I can have Mason come over and help me with the babies, and Harper’s with my parents. I think it would be good for you to get out.”

“Going out does sound nice. But I have nothing to wear. My body is…”

Blake held up a hand to stop her, and Alexis laughed.

“No one expects you to look like Sophia when you go out. You just gave birth a month ago. Wear your Eagles sweatpants and a baggy T-shirt and go to Carlson’s. Maggie would love to see you.”

She could tell Alexis was about to protest about leaving the babies, so she beat her to the punch.

“And don’t worry about the babies. They’re asleep now, and I’ll give them their bottles when they wake up. And if they absolutely have to have your boobs, I’ll give you a call and you’ll be here in two minutes because you’re only going down the street a few blocks.”

“I guess you’re right.”