Page 38 of Always & Forever

Mason gasped, then burst into tears as she slowly walked over to Alexis. She was crying in front of everyone, which wasn’t something Alexis had ever seen before. They had chosen the middle name after Mason’s to honor her the way Alexis had when she used Sophia’s middle name as Harper’s. She leaned down and kissed Alexis’s cheek.

“You named him after me?”

“He wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you.” Alexis looked down at Archer, then up at Mason. “You want to hold him?”

“Like I’m going to say no.” Gently taking Archer from Alexis, Mason carefully sat back down on the recliner as she rocked him. Chase was looking at her with such love that Alexis knew it wouldn’t be long until Mason was holding her own child.

“And this is our daughter,” Blake made eye contact with Isla across the room, “Reese Mackenzie.”

Making her way through the small crowd, Isla hugged Blake, then Alexis. “Thank you.”

“You want to hold her?”

“Of course I do.” Isla picked up Reese, gently bouncing her in her arms as she walked over to Vera. “She looks just like you and Mason did when you were born.”

Alexis kissed Harper again and cradled her chin in her palm. “Are you happy?”

Harper nodded. “This is the bestest day ever.”

Alexis had no doubt it was. The babies were happy and healthy, Harper was already in love with them, and all their friends were there to celebrate with them. She was thankful Molly had stayed around and taken more photos because she knew she’d want to remember this moment forever.

Chapter 12


After a month home with the twins, Alexis and Blake had finally settled into a routine. They were feeding regularly and would switch from breastfeeding to bottle without any fussing. That made feeding time easier on Alexis, which in turn made things easier on Blake.

Well, as easy as things could be with two newborns in a small apartment.

Thankfully, they’d gotten word from Arden their house would be ready in only a few more weeks. Alexis and Blake were counting down the days until they could move into their new home. But Blake had to admit that she’d miss having Emily and Sophia so close. They had been a godsend the last few weeks helping to care for Harper while Alexis and Blake tended to the babies. Although their life was crazy now, Blake wouldn’t have it any other way.

Rolling over onto her side, she tenderly kissed Alexis’s forehead as her eyes fluttered open. Her sleepy smile made Blake’s heart melt.

“Morning, beautiful.”

“Hey, yourself,” she whispered. She looked over at the crib by the bed, then back to Blake. “Are they still asleep?”


“Oh, good.” Moving closer to Blake, Alexis nuzzled up beside her as Blake wrapped her in a tight embrace. “I wonder if we stay quiet if they’ll stay quiet for another hour. If so, that means they’ve made it through the night.”

“I think we can go ahead and count it as a win.”

At least Blake was. The babies had been notorious at waking each other up at night, which meant most nights AlexisandBlake were up with them. If it hadn’t been for Blake’s parents and their friends helping them during the day, they would have been running on no sleep. But the last few nights they had both been sleeping better and it finally seemed they were able to sleep through the night with only one or two feedings. Blake had no idea how long that would last, so she savored it.

“I need to pump,” Alexis groaned. “My boobs are sore.”

“I can’t wait to get my hands on them again.”

“Another month.” Getting out of bed, Alexis slipped on her robe over her nursing bra and boxer briefs and pulled it around her body. “Then we can have sex, if you still want to.”

It took Blake a moment to realize what she’d said but once she did, she jumped out of bed and followed her into the living room.

“What do you meanif I still want to? Why wouldn’t I want to have sex with you?”

Alexis shrugged as she turned to face Blake. It was then she could see the tears. “I don’t know.”

“Baby, come here.” Blake pulled her into her arms again and held her as tightly as possible. “Talk to me. What’s wrong?”