Page 25 of Always & Forever

Blake paused, wondering when she became the type of person that discussed such intimate details with a relative stranger. She’d only known Arden for a few months, having only met her when they hired her to build the house. They had a casual relationship that could border on friends if they ever saw each other outside of the construction site or Arden’s office. But Blake knew they hadn’t reached the point where she could tell Arden about Alexis’s uterus and its inhabitants.

“Sorry, that was probably more than you wanted to know.”

Arden waved her off with a laugh. “It’s fine, really. My sister was very, let’s say,informativeabout her childbirth experiences. Plus I was there for the births, so I have insider information if you need it.”

“I may take you up on that.”

“Of course. So, have you all picked out the stuff for the nursery? I hope we’ll get around to painting next month.”

“Yeah, we’re ready. Alexis went crazy at the baby supply store but it’s okay. She deserves it.”

“You both do.” Arden nodded. “Those babies and Harper are lucky to have you two as moms.”

“Thanks, Arden.”

After finishing their breakfast, Arden gave them a quick tour of the house to show them the progress. Blake took several pictures for Alexis, who hadn’t been at the house in a few weeks. They said goodbye to Arden, and Blake told her she’d text her sometime next week to look over the place again.

“Can we go to the park?”

“We need to go home right now, sweetie. Mama needs to finish up some work and we need to check on Mommy and the babies.”

“Okay,” Harper sighed. Looking in the rearview mirror, Blake could see the dejected look on her face.

“Maybe me, you, and Mommy can go to the park tomorrow, okay?”


When they returned home, Harper sprinted up the stairs and straight to Alexis on the couch. She snuggled beside her, putting her hand on her stomach as she talked to the babies. Alexis smiled at Blake when she entered the apartment and Blake’s heart could have burst with happiness at the sight.

“How’s the house?”

“It looks great.” Blake sat on the couch beside her, putting an arm around her shoulders. She pulled out her phone and flipped through the pictures of the house as Alexis mindlessly ran her hand through Harper’s hair. “And this is Harper in her room.”

“Whoa, Harper! Look how big it is.”

“It’s gonna have room for all my LEGO!”

“And then some!” Alexis laughed. “You’ll have to have Aunt Maddie get you some more.”

“Can I show Nonna and Emmy my room?”

“Of course.” Blake handed her the phone as she sprinted across the hallway. Alexis picked up Blake’s hand and placed it on a specific spot on her stomach. It wasn’t long before Blake could feel the baby moving. “I’m never going to get tired of this.”

“Me either,” Alexis dreamily sighed as she snuggled against Blake. She put her hand on Blake’s and gently moved it to another spot. “They’re both really active today.”

“They’re ready to come out.”

“Not for another nine weeks.” She firmly nodded. “I’m making it to thirty-seven weeks.”

“I know.” Blake knew there was no reason in arguing with her. At the end of the day, it wasn’t up to Alexis when she went into labor. They could only hope it wasn’t until the babies were fully ready. “Are you sure you’re okay with me taking that meeting in New York in a few weeks?”

Blake had been hesitant to even consider taking a meeting over five hours away when Alexis would be so close to her due date. But the director Blake most wanted to work with was going to be in the city and wanted to meet and talk about the script. It was an opportunity Blake couldn’t pass up. And even though Alexis had said it was okay, Blake still worried about not being there for her.

“Of course, honey. This is your dream and I want you to take the meeting. I’ll be okay here. Emily and Sophia are right across the hall and your parents and Mason are a phone call away. I’ll be okay.”

“I promise I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

“I know.” Turning her head slightly toward Blake, Alexis kissed her cheek. “I promise I’ll keep the babies in until you get back.”