Page 26 of Always & Forever

“You better,” Blake laughed.

Chapter 9


April had finally brought warm weather to the Cove. Alexis had spent the morning with Harper and Mason at the park and thoroughly enjoyed the warm sun on her skin. With Blake away in New York for a meeting with a potential director, Mason has stepped in to help Alexis around the house and with Harper. She knew Blake had asked her to, but she was thankful Mason had agreed. They enjoyed chatting while walking around the paved track while Harper played with the other kids on the playground.

Alexis paused, putting her hands on her back as what she assumed was a Braxton-Hicks contraction started. Mason stopped walking also, and was immediately at Alexis’s side.

“You okay?”

“Yeah, just a cramp.” And that was it. She felt fine and they resumed their walking. “This is the most I’ve walked since I got pregnant.”

“You’re gonna walk the babies out of you if we keep going.” Mason was winded but trying not to show it. “We’ve done two miles. Wanna grab the kiddo and head home? I can make us lunch.”

“You can make lunch?”

“I make a great pizza delivery order.”

“Mmm, pizza.”

As they rounded Harper into Mason’s Jeep, Alexis felt another cramp.

“Harper, can you please hand me my water bottle out of the bag?” Alexis shifted in her seat, trying to get the pain to subside.

“You okay?”

“Yeah. Just Braxton-Hicks contractions.”

I hope…

By the time Mason pulled the Jeep into the parking lot at the apartment, Alexis felt better. Maybe that’s all it was after all. Mason helped her out of the Jeep before unlocking the apartment door for Harper. They were both nearly to the top while Alexis stopped on the third step.

The sharp pain coursed through her body once more. It was lower than the Braxton-Hicks contractions had been. She checked her watch. And closer together. The pain was so intense she couldn’t speak, so she hit the stair railing with her hand to get Mason’s attention.

When Mason turned around, Alexis saw the blood drain from her face as she quickly ran back down the stairs.

“What’s wrong? Are you okay?”

It took her a moment to catch her breath and answer. “I don’t think these are Braxton-Hicks contractions.”

“Oh. Oh, shit. Okay.” She could see Mason was freaking out but lacked the ability to stop her because so was she. “Okay, what do you want me to do?”

“Call your mom.”

Mason wrinkled her nose in confusion. “What is she going to do?”

“Not Isla. Vera”

“Oh, yeah,” Mason nervously laughed. “Duh.”

“Did you forget you have two moms?”

“Honestly, all I can think about right now is how Blake said you could rip during childbirth.”

“Wait, what?” Alexis waved her off as she felt another contraction building in strength. She grabbed the stair railing with one hand and Mason’s arm with the other. Mason surprised her by putting a hand on her lower back and rubbing gently. “Thanks.”

“I’m calling Mama.” Mason pulled her phone out of her pocket and called Vera. Emily must have heard them in the stairwell and came out of her apartment.