Page 40 of Always & Forever

“I am.”

A couple of hours later, Sophia and Alexis embarked on the lunch date just as Mason, Chase, and Scout arrived at the apartment. They made a beeline for the babies, each scooping one up in their arms as they held them on the couch. Blake was thankful the babies were preoccupied, giving her a few minutes to work on her new movie script.

After finding the right director, Blake has hoped everything else would quickly fall into place. Instead, they hadn’t found the right lead actresses yet and didn’t have a clear filming schedule. But Blake knew it would all fall into place. And since they would be filming in the Cove, Blake would be home every night. Her dream was finally coming to fruition.

“I think Archie needs a diaper change.” Mason held him out toward Blake as she walked over to her.

“Well, go change him.”

“I haven’t changed a boy's diaper before.”

“Well, now's a good time to start.”

“Blake,” she whined as she cradled Archer in her arm, “please. At least watch me to make sure I’m doing it right.”

“Okay, okay.” Blake laughed as she led Mason into the bedroom. Mason lay Archer on the changing table as she unbuttoned the snaps of his onesie. She looked at Blake. “Keep going.”

“You’re doing great, babe.” Chase looked bemused at the scene before her as she bounced Reese in her arms. But it was undeniable how much love was radiating between the two of them. Alexis was right; they’d have their own baby soon.

If Mason could change a diaper.

Surprisingly, Mason did much better than Blake had expected. She had clearly been overthinking everything, which was typical for Mason. Blake was about to tell her to put a towel over Archer’s lower half as she reached for a new diaper but it was too late.

“Oh, geez.” She tried to hold her hand up to block the pee from hitting her face. Chase and Blake couldn’t contain their laughter and were nearly doubled over laughing. “Dude, come on. I thought we were friends.”

“Man, I wish I’d filmed that.”

“You and me both.” Blake laughed as she grabbed Mason a T-shirt out of the dresser drawer. “Here. I’ll finish with him.”

Mason didn’t bother going into the bathroom to change. Instead, she pulled off her pee-soaked shirt and slipped on the one Blake gave her. Out of the corner of her eye, Blake caught Chase checking her out as she bit her lip.

Thank God they finally figured out how perfect they are for each other.

After Archer and Mason were cleaned up, Blake changed Reese before they all piled up in the living room and fed the babies. Mason kept cooing at Archer, whispering something to him as her smile spread wide on her face. Blake jokingly hit Chase’s shoulder to get her attention.

“You need to get her one of her own.”

“I’m working on it. She just needs to marry me first.”

“Marriage is a social construct,” Mason kept her voice in the high-pitched baby talk voice, “and I don’t think it’s necessary to start a family.”

“It is if you want a baby with me,” Chase retorted.

The front door opened as Alexis and Sophia came in with Harper and Isla trailing behind them.

“Look who we ran into at breakfast.” Alexis smiled down at her as Harper ran to Blake and hugged her. She jumped into Blake’s lap. Blake kissed her forehead before she slid off her lap and snuggled up with Chase to see Reese better. “How did they do?”

“Archer and Reese did great. But,” Chase laughed, “Mason got peed on.”

“And I wasn’t here to see it?” Isla laughed as she sat down on the arm of the recliner where Mason was feeding Archer. “Well, you know what they say. You never forget your first time.”

“Oh, geez,” Mason groaned.

Sitting between Harper and Chase, Alexis took Reese and laid her on her shoulder. Alexis seemed more at peace, happier even. She was thankful her time out of the house seemed to be just what she needed. Blake ran her hand through Alexis’s hair, letting it wrap around her fingers as they all chatted and laughed together the rest of the afternoon.

And Blake thanked God they’d get to do it all again tomorrow.

Chapter 13