Page 36 of Always & Forever

“I wanna do it.”

Blake furrowed her brow in confusion. “Want to do what?”

“Deliver him.”

Alexis didn’t have to explain herself to any of them. They knew what she wanted. Vera guided her hands to where they needed to be as Blake and Sophia helped her stand up just a little bit straighter. With a couple more pushes, Alexis birthed her son. Vera helped her support him as she brought him to her chest.

“Oh, my god.” Alexis breathlessly laughed and cried as she looked at Blake. “We just had a baby.”

“Holy shit, Lex.” Blake wrapped her arms around Alexis, carefully cradling the crying newborn with her hand. “That was amazing.”

“I didn’t know I could do that.”

“Well, you did,” Sophia laughed.

“Congrats, Lex,” Isla said through tears as she clasped her hands together.

Alexis cradled her son against her chest and looked at him. He was perfect. She cried as she stroked her son’s soft skin. He had a good set of lungs, which made her cry harder.

“Hi, baby. Mommy loves you so much. Oh, I know. Life is so tough on this side of the womb, huh?”

“He’s beautiful, Lex.” Sophia was crying as well and kissed her on the head. “He’s perfect.”

“The most perfect,” Blake corrected.

“You did great, Alexis.” Vera and one of the nurses worked to assess the baby as Alexis held him. “He looks great. You still okay to stand or do you want to sit?”

“I need to sit.” She was surprised her legs had kept her upright for so long with how much they were shaking. Sophia helped her sit down on the birthing stool, as Blake made sure to help her support the baby. “He’s so beautiful.”

“He is,” Blake cooed and kissed his cheek. “Mama loves you, baby. So so much.”

“Is Mason okay?” Alexis looked over at her friend who was sitting cross-legged on the bed sobbing. Isla put a hand on her shoulder. “Mace? What’s wrong?”

“I just never expected,” she gestures toward Alexis and the baby, “that. It was beautiful. Thank you for letting me be here for that.”

“Well, the show’s only half over,” Vera commented. She handed Sophia a towel to help clean the baby with. “Blake, do you want to cut the cord?”

Blake turned to Mason. “You should do it.”

“Yeah, sweetie,” Isla encouraged. “You should do it.”

“What? No. What if I cut the wrong place?”

“It’s literally impossible, sweetie.” Vera extended the scissors out to Mason. Wiping away her tears, she jumped off the bed and followed Vera’s instructions on what to do. “See,” Vera kissed her cheek, “perfect.”

“And I promise I didn’t look down there,” she teased.

Her comment made them all laugh and Alexis was thankful for the break between the babies. She had no idea how far apart they would be born but if her contractions were any indication, it wouldn’t be too much longer.

As a nurse took the baby to clean him up, Vera helped Alexis get ready for the next baby. Sophia was behind her, rubbing her back, while Blake and Mason were on either side of her. Alexis held tightly onto their hands as she started to push again. Barely twenty minutes after the first baby, Alexis was crowning again.

“Blake, look,” Vera smiled as she pointed to the baby’s head. “There’s your daughter.”

“Oh, wow.” Blake was mesmerized and it momentarily took Alexis’s mind off the intense pain she was feeling. She watched as Blake reached down and touched the baby's head. “I don’t know how you’re doing this.”

“Is she ripping?” All the blood was drained from Mason’s face as her eyes were locked on the baby’s head. Alexis couldn’t help but laugh, despite how painful it felt.

“No, sweetie. She’s doing great.” Vera nodded, letting Alexis know she meant what she was saying. “Come on, Lex. A couple more pushes and you’re done.”