Page 35 of Always & Forever

“Just hurry so I don’t.”

Sophia stepped on the gas and they arrived at the hospital a few minutes later. Vera was already waiting, and they quickly got her to a room and attached to more monitors, wires, and IVs than Alexis could count. It was a much different experience than Harper’s birth already.

“Wow, okay.” That wasn’t something Alexis wanted to hear Vera say as she examined her. “You’re about six centimeters dilated already.”

“What?” Blake and Alexis asked in unison.

“It’s not surprising since this is her second pregnancy, but I’ll admit I wasn't expecting her to be this far along. When we checked a few days ago, she was only two centimeters along.”

“So, that’s a good thing?” Blake had a tighter grip on Alexis’s hand than Alexis did on hers. “Alexis and the babies are okay?”

“More than okay. Everything is right on track. I promise. Hopefully we’ll have some babies soon.”

Sooncouldn’t come soon enough for Alexis. She labored for hours, finding the best position was her arms around Blake’s neck and swaying gently with her. Blake was her rock, there was no denying that. And Sophia constantly dabbed a damp washcloth on her face and neck to cool her down. Isla kept her hydrated by bringing Alexis her favorite Powerade every hour it seemed.

They’d asked their friend, Molly Forrester, to take photos of the birth and she’d arrived about an hour after them. She was beyond respectful, staying out of the way entirely while also capturing photos. Alexis had done the same with Molly when Harper was born and knew she wanted to carry on the tradition.

“You’re doing so great, Alexis,” Blake whispered in her ear as another contraction came. Alexis leaned hard into Blake for support for her tired body.

“I need to push.”

“I’ll get Vera.” Blake ran out of the room, leaving Alexis to fend for herself. She couldn’t help but laugh as Sophia took Blake’s spot.


“She’s nervous. She’s never seen a birth before, let alone have it be her kids and wife.” Another contraction came and Alexis grabbed tightly onto Sophia’s forearms. “Oh, Sophia, I can feel him right there.”

“Just keep breathing,” Sophia’s voice held the nervousness that Alexis felt. “You’re doing great and Vera’s coming.”

“I’m here.” Vera quickly walked over to Alexis and put her hand on her lower back. Alexis had never been so excited to see her in all her life. “How are you doing? Blake said you want to push.”

“There’s so much pressure.” Alexis winced as Sophia and Blake helped her back over to the bed. But there was no way she could get back in the bed. She planted her hands on the bed and shook her head. “I have to push now.”

“Okay, wait.” Vera got down on her knees behind Alexis and she felt Vera examine her. “Oh, I’d say you do. I see a baby.”

As Vera called out instructions for the two nurses that were in the room, the door to the room opened once more.

“Hey, I got the phone charger for you… oh.” Mason stopped in her tracks at the sight before her. And Alexis was sure it was a sight. She quickly covered her eyes as Alexis tried not to laugh. “Mom said Blake needed a phone charger but didn’t say this was happening.”

“Good timing, sweetie.” From what Alexis could tell, Vera was supporting the baby’s head that was about to crown. “You can watch your nephew be born.”

“I don’t know if…”

“It’s fine,” Alexis groaned as she pushed. She had a tight grip onto Blake's hand, while Blake used her free hand to rub Alexis’s back. On her other side was Sophia in an almost identical position as Blake.Isla was on the other side of the bed, nervously wringing her hands.

“Mace, grab that washcloth and bring it over here.” Sophia instructed and Mason did as she was told. She came around the bed where Isla was at, and leaned over to dab the washcloth on Alexis’s forehead. “Good, keep doing that.”

“Will do. I’m staying over here with Mom.” Mason smiled up at Alexis, who tried to return the smile through the pain. “You got this, Lex.”

“Thanks,” she could barely muster as another contraction ripped through her. Alexis could feel the ring of fire as the baby crowned. “Oh, baby.”

“Reach down, Lex.” Vera’s voice broke ever so slightly. “His head is out.”

Reaching down between her legs, Alexis placed her shaking hand on her son’s head. Her emotions bubbled over as she sobbed and looked at Blake. Blake’s eyes were filled with tears but her smile was wide across her face.

“I can feel him.”

“You’re amazing, Lex.”